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Everything posted by Casual

  1. https://streamable.com/m593a
  2. Oh and if you like pancakes whatsoever, go to The Pantry for Breakfast. It's in the Mirage. Buttermilk pancakes will never be the same.
  3. Yeah cheap slots are good for drinks though tbh they take so long to come around nowadays that you're better off just going to the convenience store and getting stuff. You can get a 1L can of beer, or a nice Mikes Hard/Twisted Tea (my choice for walking around the strip when it's hot out) for like 2 bucks. Tbh the slots arent' even that cheap unless you're only playing a single line in which case you'll never win anything substantial. But I guess it's still cost effective if you want to just drink. If you're trying to play table games I find that most these days are $1
  4. seems more like a shot in the dark. rumours usually have some sort of source.
  5. lol, so this "rumor" is based on a bunch of reddit kids speculating he ends up there?
  6. 7 is trash. spawned a generation of weaboos.
  7. Looks fuckin dope. Can't wait to jump back into this game...think I'll start gearing my guy up...might switch weapons from my hammerbro, any recommendations? Full details:
  8. I always attributed it primarily to the lack of source material. DIdn't really factor in the budget part.
  9. Another point I saw today on reddit that I thought was interesting... The first few seasons the budget wasn't very high. As a result more emphasis was placed on the political side of the show...drawing the intrigue through the complex stories and layered, nuanced dialogue that we got. The budget exploded at about the same time they started running out of source material and that's when they really started using the dialogue as nothing more than a tool to get them to the next big battle/set piece.
  10. S6 was solid, probably the best balance of competent writing but also the huge battles/moments. 2/4 would probably be my favourites if I was forced to pick.
  11. see your problem isn't the pc it's that you're playing ubisoft games
  12. Yeah I mean it’s still the only thing on TV I actually watch besides sports. Its just no longer in that Wire/Breaking Bad tier that it was at one point for me. The lack of substance and disconnected/obnoxious story bits in the last few seasons has got me very hyped for the books though, I really hope TWOW gets a release date in the next year or so
  13. Lol did you see the post episode behind the scenes thing. “Dang forgot about Euron but Euron didn’t forget about her”. Meanwhile it happens like 2 scenes after they discuss Eurons fleet. Varys talking about Jon being good because he doesn’t want to rule. I guess he forgot about that Robert guy. The Bronn shit was terrible like you said. Also what happened to winter. It was snowing when Jaime left and now apparently it’s just a dessert (also it seems to have moved away from the sea). Guess those maesters were really off.
  14. I mean, I haven't played WoW for years and the last time I enjoyed it was early Wrath. But it's still the only real relevant MMO even if it's not doing the earth shattering numbers it used to. Classic is a pretty smart move, there's a demand for it and it's not much difference than the recent HD remake trend.
  15. Grey Worm will die protecting Dany I feel like. He'll probably get a kill before that. Him and Jon in 1v1 combat could be cool...we gotta get one good sword fight in for Jon. Actually I could see him killing Varys or Tyrion for betraying Dany (though I do like your Tyrion idea...seems like something they'd do). Maybe even Euron? They might give him to Yara though.
  16. She could literally have just flown around to the back of the ships and they'd be fucked. but yeah. Jon killing Dany does make a lot of sense. I could see him doing that and then his arc ends with him taking the black again for his crimes (though I don't know how they'll justify the Night's Watch without the night king...I suspect some revelation from Bran that they NK doesn't die but is just always reborn...just the cycle of the world). Bran is gonna be king I think...
  17. Lmao, that last point got me. That'd be the best ending tbh. Otherwise I'd be on board with most if not all of that and I think it's all pretty plausible. I'm kind of expecting something to happen with Tyrion, not really sure what though.
  18. I feel like they're gonna give the Cersei kill to Jon. D&D clearly hate going the predictable route even if it happens to make the most sense.
  19. Euron is such a shit character in the show tbh, he's what i'd imagine a villain in a comic book movie or anime would be. So dumb that it was him to kill a dragon that just the last episode survived a fight. I get that it was a way to push the plot forward/further justify Dany descending into madness, but it makes no sense. Scorpions aren't even supposed to be able to kill fully grown dragons. Not to mention aimbot from a rocky ass boat. Oh and the King's Landing set at the last scene was terrible.
  20. Yeah. One thing at least is that the leveling process was absolutely amazing in Vanilla and that can really be done at whatever pace you want. It's not like the newer xpacs where leveling is just some bullshit you get over with quick before the real game begins. Going in knowing that I'll never be doing cutting edge raiding might even make the leveling more enjoyable and not just rushing to get to 60 ASAP. I remember when I first got into WoW I wasn't even thinking about raiding, took forever to get to 60 but had so much fun just doing random bullshit like ganking hord
  21. Not 5. Not even the HD collection. Just the first.
  22. Went down a Youtube rabbit hole at work the other day...the nostalgia and memories. What a great game. Unfortunately I really don't see how I can manage to play it in any way that would bring me satisfaction. The time requirement is just too much...I could probably see myself getting a good week or two in but just not gonna be a long term options. I might just casually level to 60 over time. Even that seems pretty daunting these days, then I think of things like: -Getting my epic mount -Getting a PvP rank over 10 -Getting exalted with any PvP faction
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