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Everything posted by Casual

  1. I unno what you've played on other systems already, but my top 10 Switch games in order would be: 1) Zelda 2) Hollow Knight 3) Splatoon 2 4) Celeste 5) Dead Cells 6)\ Smash 7) Odyssey 8) Into the Breach 9) Golf Story 10) Rabbids
  2. I don't think you'll be actually able to have multiple themes per stage. That's just the way it was edited. The timer even changes throughout the video so that's not what's happening here.
  3. Yeah the value add of being able to play Crackdown 3 day one on game pass is huge
  4. 750 bucks to play glorified tech demos lmao
  5. Also, Bran spent 80% of that episode warging but we don't know what he was doing really. There's got to be some significance to that.
  6. For sure. There's a lot wrong with the episode if you start to nitpick it but I've just accepted at this point that the show has gone in a different direction which leans more towards spectacle and action and it really does pull that off. Interested to see what happens next episode. I assume we'll get a fallout/posturing episode. We haven't seen anything from Cersei since the first so that'll be interesting. I wonder when they'll address the Jon/Dany rightful heir shit, or if they even will, maybe one of them dies, or maybe Jon just lets her have the throne?
  7. So yeah, after sleeping on it I still think the spectacle of the whole thing was amazing but i definitely have a couple gripes. 1) I'm kind of annoyed that only secondary characters died. I get plot armor and all but it just didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Theon's death was great though and a wonderful conclusion to his arc, which is probably the best in the show...maybe Jaime will surpass him depending on the next few episodes. 2) Didn't love how the Night King died. I didn't mind that Arya killed him, I actually think that makes the most sense if he's going t
  8. TP is fantastic. Some of the best dungeons in the series imo. In terms of the traditional 3D Zelda games it’s neck and neck for second best with MM.
  9. Darksiders is just a bad game. Breath of the Wild was probably the most I’ve been wrapped up in a game that wasn’t WoW/CS/Diablo II. I played the hell out of it the month it launched and loved every minute. I never did beat it though...I’ve tried to go back several times but I just can’t get anywhere close to recapturing that feeling. That’s not a knock against it, some things just aren’t necessarily meant to be replayed...especially something that relies so much on that feeling of wonder. Odyssey was a really great 12 hours for me. That’s about it unfortunately. Too
  10. Yeah, Christmas just makes the most sense. March would have been nice but it's risky to launch outside the holidays. Switch did it but the Wii U was fucking dead and Nintendo couldn't wait that long. Also, assuming TLOU2 is launching this year it gives it more time to sell before they inevitably launch PS5 with an improved version.
  11. She gave it a 5 because all the zombies are white. Also:
  12. Couple things: 1) 1TB SSD might be overkill for that use case? Could probably save a lot of money just by dropping that down to a 500. I'd roll that money into a more modern processor BUT not a K since she probably won't need to overlock.
  13. Not surprised at all. This had "Xbox Exclusive" written all over it since the first reveal.
  14. Lmao Leafs. Also jesus christ what a terrible call in the Vegas/SJS game. NHL got the worst refs in pro sports. Dame is a fucking god. https://streamable.com/toofv Finally, Raps are rollling right now. The starters are peaking on offense at the right time and the defense has been incredible. I'm still a little concerned about the bench...I don't love these Siakam + 4 bench guys lineups that Nurse has been going to but I hope that is just a combination of it being the first round still + OG out. Once OG comes back I'd like to
  15. 1) Games. I'll put games instead of exclusives, the console with the best games usually has the best exclusives too but just in case there's some weird shift in the multiplat side of things. 2) Power. Needs to be reasonably future proof. Less concerned with overall power but more so where that power is allocated (ie. i want good load times, i don't need power dedicated specifically to features idgaf about, etc) The rest are all relatively unimportant to me but.. 3) Backwards compatibility. I only really care about this if it retroactively enhances the old games. Re
  16. Bit of a gaming lull for me. Started up a few games but nothing really sticking right now, probably chill for a month or so. Did a bit of cuphead...it's solid enough but wish there were more actual levels.
  17. I enjoyed the game a lot more when I realized most of that maintenance type shit is optional. For the first 10 hours they make it seem like you absolutely gotta eat regularly, sleep, feed your horse, clean your horse, all that shit. Then you realize that...you don't. You don't even have to pay your debts really.
  18. Yeah ideal way is to have a warm shower, wash off and then gradually reduce the temp. Not that Jim uses soap.
  19. Great episode. So many cool moments...Jaime knighting Brienne, the Night's Watch reunion. Feels like they're setting us up for some heartbreak, that's definitely the last dialogue we're getting with a few of these characters.
  20. Oh my bad, it has nothing to do with the Switch. More so whether I wanna grab Cuphead lol. Never played it. Looks great though I'm not entirely sold on it being 95% bosses.
  21. I mean Nintendo is oblivious and lives in their own universe so yeah probably.
  22. Keep in mind the Night King doesn't even exist in the books so Bran = Night King would be a big divergence for the show.
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