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Everything posted by Casual

  1. I don't think Bran is the Night King but they're certainly connected. I like this theory: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/bdygzu/spoilers_extended_bran_isnt_the_night_king_but/
  2. Lol they should just cancel the "Next gen" version and start from scratch after Sony dropped them bombs.
  3. Leafs are just setting their fans up for maximum disappointment. Though I would like to see em get through...and lose to the Isles in the Conference Finals.
  4. Debating whether I should grab Cuphead for Switch or not.
  5. One point for crybaby sid.
  6. I'll just combine it into one since I know there's not that many sports fans here. Playoff Kawhi Let those bitchass Magic have game 1 but that's all they'll get. Tampa Bay Lightning
  7. yeah. i honestly think that's where it's going now. also, what if the final boss is zombie cersei. In the book, the prophecy she gets...part of it is ""The valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale throat and choke the life from you."" emphasis on PALE. Jaime bout to get a dragonglass hand made and choke a bitch.
  8. Just read another interesting theory. In short. The army of the dead is coming to winterfell but the night king is gonna fly his dragon straight to kings landing and get himself an even more powerful army without much resistance. The north is is weakened by the army of the dead but ultimately wins that fight only to find out a bigger threat is coming. Makes sense why battle of winterfell is episode 3 too.
  9. I mean I don't count that because those refreshes were a joke (well, Pro was at least. X1X was good but you can't fix the software). I'm still using my launch PS4.
  10. There's two possibilities the way I see it. Episode is the battle with the white walkers...so either: 1) They defeat the white walkers...in which case there needs to be some sort of conflict for the final few episodes. I'd imagine this is either against Cersei (which truthfully wouldn't be terribly interesting considering they just defeated the white walkers) or Jon vs. Dany. Dany goes mad queen when she finds out Jon is the rightful air and they fight it out for control. 2) The white walkers beat them and a handful of them narrowly escape and retreat south.
  11. I dunno how they would unless there were serious compromises. I could see them having like a $450-480 option with gimped storage and then a $550-6 "premium" model. They'd have to basically do without the SSD to hit the $399 though.
  12. Sounds like 499 to me. That's dope though, especially if they're still taking a bit of a loss. These things are expected to last 6 years now, not willing to have it be obsolete less than halfway through that period for an extra 100 bucks.
  13. lmao @ "I got the platinum trophy, game has no replay value". That, by definition, is replay value. You were enticed to replay it. What a weird way to judge games anyway. Almost no single player game has replay value. Ain't no one got time for that shit anyway. Sekiro is probably the first game I've replayed in years.
  14. i mean it looks kinda bad for a sony exclusive. still better than xbox "exclusives" but I won't be getting it. Embargo doesn't mean much though. Wasn't Sekiro the same thing and people were panicking? Now that's GOTY.
  15. Hope they're wrong on capacity. 1TB would be far too small with the ballooning install sizes. 2TB minimum.
  16. damn gamestop must already know that days gone is a fucking banger. too bad they didn't start this with sea of thieves or crackdown.
  17. Every xbox is discless when you have no games in the first place.
  18. Literally everything devs have ever prioritzed with consoles says otherwise.
  19. Not big on the ray tracing crap. To me that means devs will continue to not give us 60FPS. They'll prioritize ray tracing for the marketting and we'll be stuck with 30FPS. Though I wonder how easy it would be to just give the users the option at that point...play at 60 w/o RT or 30 with.
  20. https://pastebin.com/PY9vaTsR So this thing is apparently spot on so far. 100%. Bunch of other details in there. $500 launch with them taking a $100 loss. SSD is 2tb 24gb ram with an additional 4 dedicated for OS March 2020 or Novemer 2020, not determined. Launches with TLOU2 Remaster (whcih means we're almost certainly getting TLOU2 this year), GT7, BF:BC3 and APPARENTLY GTA6.
  21. Hope it's first half 2020. March would be nice. Cool to have BC confirmed and knowing there will be immediate benefits.
  22. Eh I doubt it. I think the only "Stark" left that might die is Bran. And he won't die he'll just give himself up in some weird Children of the Forest/Night King BS.
  23. Tastes like shit. Water and black coffee are the only things worth drinking outside alcohol.
  24. that's too bad. cool spot. glad i saw it before this happened. didn't seem like they had much of a plan for something like this, but i guess it's not an easy thing to fight. wonder how it started.
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