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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Varys and Tyrion convo in the first scene is the best example of this lol. Two of the wittiest characters throughout the first half of the series. Once they don't have source material they're just writing dick jokes for them.
  2. I will say the intro is really dope for this season. They went all out with the detail. I also like how the beginning of the episode parallels s1e1.
  3. It was pointlessly long I meant. Could have been like one minute and saved that CGI budget. They also could have chosen a better moment tbh. Like you could have avoided that, then next episode Jon tells Dany what Sam told him, Dany refuses to believe him. The white walkers show up and they're losing the battle, all of a sudden Jon mounts the second dragon and turns the tide, Dany is convinced. I guess we'll see...Dany isn't going to believe it regardless imo. She's stubborn and power hungry, she's not just gonna accept that Jon is a Targ and him riding the dragon in epi
  4. Also sad to see that Ghost and the Golden Companies Elephants seem to have become the victims of the 5 minutes of Jon and Cersie pointlessly riding dragons budget.
  5. Yeah 100%. I still think this is the best direction for the show to go, Season 5 showed they really just don't have the chops to write a story with similar pacing to the first few seasons when they have no source material to go off of. So going the action route makes sense. You're probably right about the actors too.
  6. Yeah you're probably right. The first few seasons were super dense in terms of content. I guess it just feels like they're rushing through because every scene has to end with some bang (even if a lot of them fall flat). There's no time for developing the individual story points, they just get straight to the point. A good example to me is the scene with Bronn and Qyburn. I feel like that's something that would have developed subtly over a few scenes/episodes in season 1 or 2. Now they're just like fuck it, straight to the point. Though that specific one might be a resu
  7. Nah. He never really has been. He has written one or two episodes in most (all?) seasons. But that’s about it. Beyond that he has given them an outline of the main events remaining beyond the first 5 books. But that’s at a very high level. The part of the show that is actually rooted in the books is a lot different than the part that isn’t as a result. I mean if you go back to s1-3 it barely deviates from what’s written in the book. Season 1 dialogue is basically a copy paste job. Even if george did write for the show it wouldn’t make much of a difference. He can’t wr
  8. I agree that’s what they’re doing but I still think it’s more because they don’t have source material to go off of so they’re getting straight to the main points as opposed to the more intricate politics and character development. I can’t blame them, it would be impossible to compare to the standards George set for those areas. Still though, I think if GRRM had gotten the books out in time we’d be looking at 10 seasons.
  9. Good setup episode. Got all the big reunions done and touched on basically every story. Some of the stuff was a bit cheesy (warm your queen or whatever) but to be expected at this point. Brans a fuckin weirdo. Really interested in seeing how this plays out in the book, if it ever does. Ain’t no way it’d just be back to back reunions like that, the pacing would be much different if the same stuff even happened. Really makes me wonder why they we’re jn such a rush to get the series done with. They could easily have stretched this out to 9 or even 10 seasons
  10. gonna be so good. i had every intention to watch a bunch of classic episodes this week but never got around to it. ah well.
  11. Nothing more satisfying that doing a second playthrough of a FROM game and shitting on all those bosses that gave you trouble. Not sure what I'll play after I'm done with this. DMC5 was $50 on Amazon (canadian)...almost jumped on that but might be a bit similar, think I'll hold off still. Was hoping to find a deal on RE2 by this point.
  12. Yeah, even more so than previous FROM games, Sekiro seems like something I could blast through the 2nd time around. Especially when you don't really need to be concerned with trash mobs at all, it's so fast to go from boss to boss. First playthrough was quite a bit less time than my first playthrough of the Soulsborne games took...and proportionally I spent wayyyy more time trying to get bosses down.
  13. Depends what we mean by modernize I guess? Do we mean changing the mechanics and systems to align with how modern games are? In that case, not really sure...most of my favourite games (CS 1.6, Diablo II) would be worse off for that. If we mean giving them a new coat of paint and some QoL things that leave the gameplay and everything more or less completely intact it's different.
  14. Meh. The problem with Metroid Prime 3 is that they compromised the game design to facilitate the controls. It's a step below as a result. Still worth playing through though but nothing compared to 1/2.
  15. So I beat Sekiro. But I got the bad ending. So I think I missed a bit of the content. Oh well, I was gonna do another playthrough anyhow.
  16. I think I did things in the wrong order. Should have done the Depths before Guardian Ape
  17. lol what about this is actually VR? i don't get it. if I tape my cell phone to my face am I text messaging in VR? Also Zelda runs at like 23 FPS.
  18. Yeah the posture system is fantastic imo. It feels like a much more flexible Stamina system that works both ways. I feel like a lot of people will start playing it like a Souls game but once you let go of that it really clicks and becomes fantastic. I definitely enjoy the level design, the verticality is something I'd like to see make it to the Souls games somehow. Agreed that it's beautiful too, love the snow setting in particular and Senpou was so lush. It's got a brighter tone which Souls games have never really explored. There's so many other settings I'd love to see FROM expl
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