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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Just beat the Ape on my 2nd try I feel like I’m closing in on the last bit of the game which is a little disappointing. Been a really good ride so far though, I think it’s definitely my favourite FROM game combat wise. It’s feels like a lot more focused of an experience and there’s some benefits to that, I’d imagine you can design a tighter experience when you only really have to account for one weapon. Speaking of that, I kinda enjoy not having to worry about gear and stats...in other FROM games I’m always kinda worried in the back of my head that I’m allocating stats wrong or mis
  2. Oh wow, it plays like absolute shit, what a surprise.
  3. Meh, price doesn't matter for me tbh. It could be $999 as long as it gets the software support and performs accordingly I don't care. These are consoles I use for 6+ years at a time, the investment is relatively nothing with that in consideration. I assume there would be a cheaper model for mass market.
  4. Look at the xbox exclusives that do get released and try to picture how terrible the ones that get cancelled must be lmao.
  5. It's a shame that the best hardware seems to always get the worst software.
  6. Beat those monkeys. Strange fight....guess FROM always has to have one of those puzzle type bosses in their games.
  7. It's probably 50/50. But the weird ones here are very loud.
  8. Up to the Temple Area in Sekiro now, just beat ROBERTOOOOOO. Cool fight. Onto some Centipede guy right now.
  9. Yeah maybe. Seems weird to have both in one year but could be a thing. I also heard people speculating they'd remake it in the BOTW engine. I believe there were pretty substantial rumours saying that we'd be getting another 3D Zelda sooner than expected...maybe that's what it was about. Would be pretty interesting.
  10. Not gonna bother linking all the tweets but it's all here: https://www.resetera.com/threads/best-buy-switch-leaks-zelda-a-link-to-the-past-metroid-prime-trilogy-persona-5.109266/ Sounds like in the past when this has happened a direct follows pretty soon thereafter. Interested to see what the LttP thing is about? Could just be something to do with SNES being added to online...maybe some sort of LttP+ALBW port to Switch?
  11. greyworm ain't even notable. guys done nothing compared to the ones on the list lol. and yeah jon ain't really anything special yet. he's got plot armour that's about it.
  12. Loras Tyrell should be in there. I'd move Robert and Eddard both up a tier. Victarion Greyjoy
  13. Finally got some more Sekiro in over the weekend. Got to Butterfly and finished her off pretty quick, didn't find that one too bad. Cleared out everything in Ashina except for Genichiro now I think. So my options are that or Senpou Temple. Genichiro is beating my ass at the moment, spend about 90 minutes dying to him last night...I don't think I've died this much to one boss in a FROM game...maybe Amelia? Anyway...I can get to the final phase pretty reliably now, just need to get a good run in and get there with full health + a res left. Doesn't seem to be any windows to heal once
  14. Nah it doesn't work for that I don't think. Yeah it's just Amazon Prime. I dunno how much that is right now tbh, probably marginally more than Nintendo online though so you end up with 3 services for the price of about 1.
  15. Zzzzzz. Would have expected a much bigger jump considering how long it's been. Based on that trailer it looks like more Borderlands 2. Oh well, never really liked the series anyway. I'm sure fans of BL2 will be happy so that's cool.
  16. https://twitch.amazon.com/prime/loot/nintendo/?tag=sec2002-0&ascsubtag=1132893e519011e9bf7b2211e560f7e80INT You get 3 months now and then you gotta claim the other 9 after 60 days.
  17. Sure, they're alright on the open world design. These postings make it seem like they'll have a bigger role in the next game which is my concern. They suck at everything else.
  18. It looks alright I guess. I like that it's a bit meatier, the PS4 controller is still too small and clearly designed with the Japanese market in mind. At least it's not made for childrens hands like the PS3 one was. I don't like that they're including another touchscreen and those speakers. The touchpad or whatever it's called has never been used in a good way on the PS4...at best it's an extra button (which could be included for much cheaper) and at worst it's part of some dumb mechanic. I'd rather them use the cost associated with that to make the build quality of the
  19. Casual

    Apple Arcade

    iPhone continues to shit on Android.
  20. Civ V with the expansions probably. Usually it takes the newest iteration of a Civ game a couple xpacs before it's worth playing over the previous iteration + xpacs. I say probably Civ V because I haven't really followed VI and not sure if they've released those xpacs yet.
  21. This Oniwa fucker is pissing me off. My strategy (the strategy?) is to just strafe and jump over his sweep attacks until he eventually pulls back and gives you the chance to grapple. The annoying part is sometimes he pulls back every other time he attacks and other fights he’ll just continuously go in for sweep attacks. Doesn’t seem to be a good way to trigger him giving you that opening. Edit:
  22. Just started today and only a few hours in but yeah so far I agree with everything you said. I'm definitely finding this way harder than any of the Dark Souls...though it's reminding me a bit of the feeling I had when I first started Bloodborne, the pace is so drastically different it's taking some getting used to. Right now I have a couple paths open to me...
  23. I fell off of P5 about 25 hours in. If this is akin to P4G, and comes to Switch, I could see myself getting through it eventually.
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