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Everything posted by Casual

  1. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/stock-market-poised-for-tepid-rise-but-dow-remains-under-pressure-amid-boeing-737-8-woes-2019-03-13 Seems kinda insane but maybe it's dat google pressure?
  2. Wiimote aiming ruined MP1 and 2. MP on Gamecube is my favourite game ever. Playing the trilogy version made me feel dirty. Hopefully the Switch version is real and they're forced to include the better controls.
  3. Eh, Galaxy sure. MPT kinda sucked though...Corruption was ass and MP1/2 are terrible with motion controls so unless you didn't have a gamecube i wouldn't bother with that version (also it's available on Wii U). Wii U also had Mario Maker and Splatoon. Galaxy is definitely the best game to come out of either system though, and probably the only one that matters in the grand scheme.
  4. I'd throw Wii into the mix. Sold really well but from a game perspective it was not much dfferent from Wii U. Easily the worst three consoles released from the big 4 (nintendo, sony, ms and sega). X1 is certainly in a league of it's own though.
  5. from the guy with a SFV avatar and a Smash sig
  6. Finished Frozen Wilds. Pretty dope expansion...little bit shorter than I anticipated. Horizon might have the best snow in video games. Fantastic game all things considered, hope we see a sequel at some point. Needed something to play this week before I get Sekiro, finally took the plastic wrap off RE7. Man, I shouldn't have waited so long, game is great. The first person really adds to the creepiness too.
  7. Casual


    hmm, ill give it a shot tonight then.
  8. Casual


    Game was great but the online is so shit that it's just not worth booting up for me anymore. Only way to get somewhat relaible games is to join arenas and even that is 50/50 at best and you spend most of your time spectating
  9. This is really just not true tbh. Almost any sleep study would say different. 30 minute naps are very valuable. Even high level athletes generally take pre-game naps. The impact of sleep deprivation is pretty terrible unless you're part of a very very small percentage of people that can legitiamtely get by on less.
  10. My biggest gripe with PS+ (and all these services really) is that games only get added after like 3 years. By that point, the games have probably had a number of sales/permanent price drops and if I haven't yet played them, it's probably not a matter of money and more one of time. If you're the type of person who wants to just give everything a try then I'm sure it's a decentservice. But tbh most months go by without me even bothering to download whatever they're offering because if I don't already own it I probably didnt' want it in the first place and it being free isn't going t
  11. Not many things make you a walking neckbeard more than that. On the bright side, most people will have no idea what Scalebound is thanks to MS.
  12. Cool. There's nothing inherently wrong with GaaS. Yeah, most of them end up being bad...most games are bad.
  13. Looks about as worthless as all the other VR solutions currently out there Obviously the worst of the bunch but at a certain point it's a binary "Is this worth playing" and the answer is always no.
  14. http://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/battlelog/tutorial/gamemodes/BFV_SPARTA_Tutorials_FIRESTORM_ENG_WW_v2.webm zzzzzz
  15. Not really. I've tried but always have trouble falling asleep. The only time I ever have a good nap is when it's completely unintentional, ie. i doze off watching sportscentre or something. I'd probably make more of an effort to do it if my schedule was more flexible but working 9-5...by the time I get home and eat/gym, if I nap then it's gonna just fuck my sleep up that night and I already have a hard enough time sleeping.
  16. Finally jumped back into Horizon and started Frozen Wilds. This might be even better than the main game.
  17. Fire and Blood is actually a different one. It’s written as a history of the targaryens, from the perspective of a maester. Not a traditional novel. Dont let Ramzas loser ass prevent you from reading the books though, like you said, both can be appreciated for different reasons.
  18. Yeah, definitely seems like some changes but not enough to sway someone who didn't want anything to do with soulsbornes.
  19. Sounds like we got a world design more similar to DS1
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