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Everything posted by Casual

  1. https://imgur.com/a/EipOx This is Aza's room except it's actually his entire home, and it's a dingy depressing windowless basement in Russia, with obscure trash japanese weaboo games and a tranny chained up in the corner with a bunch of russian standard bottles full of piss laying around.
  2. Do you do this for the purpose of making money? If so, there's about 100000 better options that don't involve you making your home look like a neckbeard factory.
  3. Aza, there's 0 point in collecting video games in the first place lmao.
  4. This is gonna be the one game that dethrones Bloodborne for GOTG. My god.
  5. lmao not enough anime for you weaboo ass?
  6. Better that they admit it and delay a bit as opposed to pulling a Microsoft and forcing 5.0 garbage like Crackdown out the door
  7. Game actually looks pretty damn sweet from the video reviews. I'll add it to the wishlist for now. Gonna be on vacation next week and then Sekiro comes out which will take priority. Also still gotta get RE2 so I figure by the time I'm done with Sekiro that'll be on sale and then DMC shortly after.
  8. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/devil-may-cry-5-review-comeback-album/1900-6417099/ https://ca.ign.com/articles/2019/03/06/devil-may-cry-5-review https://opencritic.com/game/6629/devil-may-cry-5 89 on OC after 49 reviews.
  9. It’s sitting on my shelf. Got it for Christmas but was in the middle of reading the series again. Gonna try and get it done before the season starts tho, heard good things.
  10. lmao shutup ramza. yes, GOT has a lot of flaws compared to ASOIAF but they're both great in their own right. You can enjoy both of them, it's not a competition. I'm about to finish another reread of ASOIAF and it gets better every time, but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying the show. It's a spectacle at this point and post s6 i'm not really there for the story but it's still one of like two shows i'll spend my time watching. Also, HBO signed up to make a TV adaption of the books. I doubt they intended on being the ones tasked with completing the story. They did a p
  11. Man I remember getting Turok 2 on launch day for N64. That game was fucking mindblowing at the time of release. The levels seemed so damn big. Bewareoblivionisathand
  12. Eh, maybe. I absolutely loved BotW for like 70 hours. Never beat it though and tried to get back into my playthrough a bunch of times without much luck. Started a new playthrough recently while I was on a flight/away...played for about 10 hours or so and the magic just wasn't there tbh. The game was amazing (for me at least) largely because of the sense of discovery and wonder. All of that is unfortunately gone on a subsequent playthrough.
  13. Probably more economical to just use Uber if you're only going to leave your parents basement once a month to restock up on pop tarts and mountain dew.
  14. I love games but those are some scraping the bottom looking concepts. Nothing there looks like it's worth the time investment lol. Also looks like the engine keeps LBPs shitty physics and movement. Can you give me the timestamp of any game there you think actually looks good? Unless you play games like 40 hours a week every week I don't see how you would end up needing to resort to the stuff in that trailer. I already have a huge backlog of legitimate AAA experiences created by people who get paid to make games.
  15. Whats good about it? Has Media Molecule ever made a good game? They couldn't get a 2D Sandbox game to work, why would I think they can get a 3D one to work? Not to mention games that rely on use created content are almost always awful.
  16. Yeah they look cheap and cheesy regardless. The more lowkey the better for me.
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