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Everything posted by Casual

  1. sure ya do. everyone here know you live on the internet you slob.
  2. yeah just like your racist traits and hick access come from your culture of growing up in a trailer park in the south.
  3. lmao, foh you virgin hermit recluse. go take a shower and try to make some friends. i swear half of the people that post here are straight up pathetic.
  4. except it doesn't carry over at all. most people can control their annunciations, might be harder for a monotonous societal outcast like your dumbass though.
  5. wow a totally unrelated song. i guess people can't have varied talents. or maybe just ghetto people can't. you're a loser lol
  6. it sounds pretty damn close to the original for me you honky.
  7. lmao. to be fair i think that's the "literally everywhere but murica" format for dates. at least here in Canada it's the same. but yeah.
  8. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190221005804/en/ Didn't seem old enough to be retiring but I guess years of trying to spin dumbass Nintendo policies will make ya age.
  9. my understanding is that you can just go grab it off the eshop. im at work right now so can't test on switch but it's definitely available on the ps store.
  10. "Beta". More of a demo, since the games out next week. I was thinking of grabbing the full game on Switch since Trials is a good game to fuck around with while watching ball/hockey. But I just remembered how reliant the series is on analog triggers. Not sure how that'll work out. I'll probably get the demo on Switch and see how it feels, if it sucks I'll grab it on PS4.
  11. you would think so but most tetris releases are pretty trash.
  12. None. Never really been a completionist tbh. I just play through the game in the most enjoyable way for me.
  13. :kaz: tbh I never got the hype from this one, I thought it looked pretty bad the whole way along. still thought it would at least land in the high 70's/low 80s. Didn't think theyd manage to fall to xbox exclusive level.
  14. yeah metacritic generally works fine. not many examples of good games getting bad scores.
  15. Yeah, I'm not sure where I stand on this stuff. In general you should be at least competent at games to review them, but who are reviews really for? Cause a lot of people that buy this game (or any game that sells millions of copies) are gonna be trash ass gamers. And by all accounts this specific issue was something that a lot of people encountered.
  16. I unno, everything I've ever bothered to listen to from him is just a bunch of oversimplification and misrepresentation of issues masked by him using big words. The guy says relatively little for how much he babbles on.
  17. Guess it can't hurt to lend a helping hand when you have so much practice with it. https://twitter.com/XboxQwik?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1098220698152034304&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231098220698152034304
  18. To be fair I only know two people in my circle who (at least admit to) drink the Jordan Peterson kool-aid. And yes, they're both angry manchilds who still live with their parents and do basically nothing with their lives. It's really unfortunate too, they used to be normal cool people until after college. Small sample size cause I'd rather not spend my time with people like that, but the ones I see online fit the mold as well.
  19. Everyone that I've encountered that is really into Peterson has been an incel. But correlation != causation.
  20. That's a great strategy to get top 3 or so as in every other BR. The best strategy to actually win the game is actually hunting other teams, then you get the gear you looted + all their gear. Look at any good player streaming the game lol, they ain't hiding for 15 minutes.
  21. From what I gather Metro isn't really open world...it's got fairly open levels, but still sounds like you progress through them sequentially and can't go back after you've moved on. Maybe Ass Creed? Not a fan myself but sounds like a good bet if you are.
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