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Posts posted by Casual

  1. 15 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    Not a big fan of being able to be resurrected, but it'll be interesting to see how that changes the BR formula.

    I actually like it a lot. 


    There's a pretty limited time of it being available. I think it's like 60 seconds after dying someone can come grab your remains. Leads to some interesting situations/decisions of whether it's worth the risk. Also allows you to bait the other team out if you're able to pick off a straggler.


    I played 6 or 7 games last night. It's solid for sure. I don't know how much time I'll invest in it since it's not the greatest solo experience and only a couple of my friends really mess with BRs (or games in general tbh lol), but if you had a 3 man team it seems like it'd be the BR to play. 

  2. I was waiting for the "new" airposd too but ended up getting them as a gift.


    I like em, they're good for what I use them for which is essentially 20 minutes walking/subway commute twice a day/throughout the day at work. They work seamlessly and I've yet to have any issues with connectivity, fit well in my ears too (much better than the other apple headphones that come with the phones). Battery life is phenomenal...I charge the case itself maybe once every 10 days or so. 


    The sound quality is good for what they are but the max volume/lack of noise cancelling can leave a bit to be desired. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    i think think this is something i'll dig. i tend to like more chill experiences now (getting old? lol). i will pick this up. thanks! 

    Yeah, I can see you digging it for sure. Feel like I usually share similar views on open world stuff as you do. If you go in with managed expectations you'll have a blast. 


    You could absolutely play it in a more chill way than I did too. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, -GD- said:

    how long is it? is it an easy game? would you say it has a more relaxed vibe, since it's slow-paced? 


    I'd probably say it took me 40-50 hours? That was with me ignoring a lot of the side stuff...didn't do any real hunting/fishing, not a whole lot of exploring outside of going where the missions were (which covers most of the map anyway), didn't spend a ton of time interacting with people at the camp. Definitely the story path. It's super easy, I only died a couple times and that was just because I got cocky. I failed a few missions because Rockstar has some pretty obscene requirements on the path they want you to take/how close they want you to ride with people, but I usually resumed pretty close to where I was. 


    Overall it's pretty relaxed with some more intense story missions/cutscenes sprinkled in.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I can only imagine that it still needs removable joy-cons. But having removable joy-cons means that the handheld still needs to be as long as the length of the joycons, so how much smaller can it get?


    Unless they create a handheld with joy-cons that don't come off, but that may mean that its not going to work with certain games like Mario Party.


    They must be doing this before the next Pokemon comes out. Family households that already have a switch are fixing to own a second switch.


    I doubt they care about it working with Mario Party tbh. Weren't there a couple games that wouldn't work with 2DS? I think having built in joycons is the only real way to make it smaller/cheaper.  Keep in mind you could probably still use traditional joy cons with it if you were willing to purchase some. 


    And yeah it's definitely gonna come out in time for portable AC and Pokemon. Makes perfect sence. 

  6. Finally finished Chapter 6 of Red Dead. Can't even lie, the last couple hours was well worth the time investment, what a great ending. Some of the music in the last few missions was incredible...specifically

    when Arthur is riding back to camp to confront Micah/Dutch


    Pretty mixed on the game overall. I thought they really nailed the atmosphere...everything about was great. It really did feel like a living, breathing world. Even on a base PS4 it looked fantastic and I didn't really have any issues with the performance. The weather, sound effects, characters were all. The story itself was solid, but they could have cut ~10 hours of it. Characters and voice acting were top notch. 


    I just wish the actual gameplay was a bit better. I didn't mind how slow and deliberate everything was, and I don't think I would have had the same opinion of the overall atmosphere without all that stuff. The mission structures and the shooting were tiring though. By about halfway through the game I was at the point where I was just going through the gameplay portions of the story missions as quickly as possible. Every mission followed the same blueprint, which wouldn't be so bad if that blueprint didn't include stupid amounts of boring, easy, 2009 cover shooting. Says a lot about the world they built that I still saw it through regardless of all that. 


    Probably sneaks into my top 5 of 2018. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. Played a bunch of Dead Cells on my flight/downtime during my snowboarding trip last week. Also started a new BotW game, got a decent way in but probably won't continue.


    Home now so back to slogging through RDR2. I think I'm almost done Chapter 6. I dunno if I'll bother with the Epilogue tbh. 


    Might hold off a bit on grabbing RE2 and wait for a sale. Got a few games in the backlog that should fill the time till Metro is out. Into the Breach, Frozen WIlds, more Dead Cells, etc. Wouldn't mind getting Hitman 2/Subnautica/Spyro if the price is right.

  8. 4 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    You still have a ways to go lol. The game definitely outstays its welcome.


    1 hour ago, madmaltese said:

    If I told you how much is left you'd prob stop playing lol



    I feel eel like they should have just cut chapter 5. The mission structure just gets too repetitive and the awe of the world, which kinda pushed me through for the first while,  has kind of worn off

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