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Everything posted by Casual

  1. MMOs are dead bro. What was the last successful one? Even WoW is barely doing numbers these days. They're even worse on consoles.
  2. Played a bunch of Tetris 99 over the weekend. Finally got some wins. The targeting makes a lot more sense to me now, I've been racking up badges as a result (this really helps...more badges = more garbage dumped on opponents). Jumped into Shadow of the Colossus as well. Up to the 11th Colossus now. Game is dope, love the atmosphere. The controls are inexplicably shit, especially on horseback, but thankfully it hasn't really been an issue (the only time it came up was that sand worm dude since you had to stay on the horse).
  3. Thanks for the feedback guys. I started with SotC, game is dope so far (except the controls).
  4. I love when I get targetted by a bunch of people and nail some combos...KOs get racked up. Finally got a win, finished the game with 10 KOs.
  5. Game is amazing. I’ve got 2nd play like 6 times now, still haven’t been able to get a win :(
  6. Yeah, I really should play that. Maybe I'll grab both of those....
  7. Any idea how well the controls transitioned to consoles?
  8. I've kinda wrapped up all the single player games I'm going through. I was anticipating buying Metro but it seems like a buggy mess so I'm holding off on that for now. Also want RE2 but I feel like it'll go on sale soon so I'll wait for now. Next full priced release on my radar is Sekiro so I got about a month gap to fill in. There's a few games on sale on PSN this weekend that I've had my eye on, so convince me on one of them: Divinity: Original Sin 2 - 40% off -$48 Shadow of the Colossus - 33% off - $21 Spyro Reignited - 25% off - $40 Titanfall 2 - 75% off - $10
  9. Siakam is the MIP and it's not even fucking close. What a difference year over year. Dude is gonna be a legit all star. I know he's a gym rat too so can't wait to see what he'll look like next year...crazy to think that he's only been playing ball for 6 years. He has some room to add some muscle too, if he gets on the Giannis program...oh my. Not to mention he just keeps adding elements to his game...4/5 from deep last night. Kawhi looked so happy when he hit 40 too. I honestly believe Siakam could be the difference that makes Kawhi stay. 24 year old who is basically a
  10. It's been what? 5 years now? They've just been given Metroid Prime 4 and will start from scratch which has got to take the absolute majority of their dev team. That would mean that they're either: 1) Completed or very close to completing (ie. skeleton team putting the touches on) whatever they were making 2) Have scrapped it completely. If it's the former you would think we'd probably know about it by now, and if not now very shortly (maybe Nintendo is just holding it back for Holidays and want to announce it closer to that date). Seems more likely th
  11. lol they aint doing any single player add on content. everything post launch will be stuff they can monetize in the online.
  12. "The Good: It's fun to jump high in the air and throw tanks at enemies faces"
  13. jesus christ the areas look so good. seems like they're pretty far along. also the combat looks way faster...like dark souls vs. bloodborne level shit. i really hope this is 2019. might just start another hollow knight playthrough.
  14. LMAO. Last year was the year of the 6 for Xbox. They've upgraded to a 5.
  15. oh fuck yes. nintendo should have had this at the direct instead.
  16. Eh ports don’t bother me, they just tend to post the weirdest things. MPT is one of the greatest trilogies of all time with no good way to play it right now/HD version. It would be the definitive version of one of the greatest games of all time (and another great game + a serviceable one). Hellblade is a mediocre game that came out a couple years ago and the switch version will be far worse. Hardly comparable lol. Mario maker looks dope. Zelda could be good, just don’t love the style choice. See what they do with it.
  17. I mean sure, I guess. To be fair The other people are bodycount trolling, jerry who’s a die hard sheep, Aza who likes terrible anime games, and you who just has poor taste in general.
  18. Tetris is cool. Would be better with a real d pad. Gotta get my snes 8bitdo hooked up to my switch. FF9 is like 25 Canadian. Think I’ll pass for now.
  19. Sigh. Another direct, another MPT no show :(. Meh direct overall. Mario Maker looks dope. Fire emblem looks kinda wack. They really up'd the anime in it and that can only ever be a terrible thing. The platinum game...yuck. Link's Awakening...ehhhhhh. I love LA, not sure I dig the artstyle they're using. Seems like it's the ALBW engine? I get why that makes sense...doesn't seem to fit the tone of LA. I'll hold off judgement though. Other than that lots of downgraded/late ports.
  20. Yeah the Red Steel one seems out of left field lol. Honestly the rest of it seems kinda reasonable. I could see the Retro part being true...they've been given MP4 so to me that says they're basically done wahtever it was they were working on. Either way, it's 4chan so not holding my breath, but speculation is fun.
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