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Everything posted by Casual

  1. WELL THAT WAS DISAPPOINTING. Our ball movement is awful without Kyle. Kinda concerning. Then again GS looks pretty shit when Curry is out too and they're a team of all stars. Hoping we get some shooting help before the deadline too. Really missing JV in some of these games too, Ibaka just isn't a good matchup against some bigs.
  2. Ya'll hating on Sunshine too much. Mario 64 > Galaxy 1 > Odyssey > Sunshine = Galaxy 2 >>>>>>> 3d World >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3d Land.
  3. You're underrating Sunshine tbh but I'd agree in general. I would love for them to just do a proper remake of SM64. Keep everything the same except the graphics and camera.
  4. I wouldn't say there was a lot, though I obviously didn't do all of them. Think I got to ~500. The challenging ones were just too few and far between. They've definitely built a great game though, amazing looking levels and some of the capture mechanics were really fun to use. 100% worth playing. Just doesn't stand up with the best games for me. Off the top of my head...Zelda, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, God of War, Persona 5, Dark Souls 3, Monster Hunter World, Horizon, Celeste were all better to me.
  5. Meh. It was a great game, really enjoyed the first playthrough, but it was just way too easy. Too many stars for doing bullshit tasks pushed it too far into the collectathon genre. Sucks since it has excellent platforming mechanics but so few places (in the main story at least) to use them. Couple dud levels too that just felt uninspired. SM64 is still superior. As for GOTG, I don't even know if I'd put it top 10 at this point.
  6. The waterpik flosser is legit. Makes flossing tolerable haha. I gotta pick up Blood Meridian! Heard good things and never read it. In the middle of Homo Deus though and my sister got me Fire and Blood for Christmas so those are gonna take me a while. Maybe I'll get Blood Meridian on kobo for my commute though.
  7. Yeah, need some rules for sure lol. For now I'm basically sticking to things that I already enjoy listening to all the way through. Helps that my dad has such a big collection, he's got me more or less covered on the classic rock side so I'm gonna start filling out the rap/metal stuff for now. Grabbed Illmatic, The Score, The Chronic, Lifestylez ov da Poor and Dangerous, GKMC, Slaughter of the Soul, and Master of Puppets today. Kinda starved for room so that'll stop me from going too crazy on the gear for now. Got a Technics Receiver and a Sony sub/bookshelf speakers
  8. Got a bunch of stuff but the highlight was definitely scoring a sweet turntable. Gotta start building the collection now...must be disciplined. Luckily I got a bunch of classics from my dad...Led Zeppelin IV, Dark Side of the Moon, some Elton, Bob Dylan, etc. Need to find a good place to buy some in Canada.
  9. Meh. Just gotta be selective tbh. There's probably only three games there that are must play for me. RE2 , Metro and Sekiro. If Anthem turns out I'll get that. But it will need to be fucking superb for me to spend time with it, not trying to get Destiny'd. I might grab Vesperia on the Switch...it's a game I could see myself chipping through in short bursts while watching sports. Really enjoyed it on 360. DMC is something I might get on a sale down the line...seems a bit too redundant with Sekiro. 5 years ago I'd probably have bought all those games though.
  10. lmao. shoutout to you though dynamite. you're the one dipshit lemming who i actually believe still invests time in these terrible games.
  11. you tell me bro, your best exclusives have been og xbox bc support
  12. Got some pretty solid Smash games in online last night. I've been able to find some good, mostly lagless games through the battle arena. It takes a bit longer since I queue 1v1 and usually join an arena with 5-6 people (so you're in a queue for the match, winner gets to keep playing and the loser goes to the back of the line...im cool with that though since i just watch some sports while I'm not in the game) but it seems to be the most reliable way to get both a good connection and the ruleset you want. Had a 6-7 game winstreak going as Young Link.
  13. Also, we clearly don't need him. Blowouts against the Clippers and GS, back to back, west coast trip. We eatin. GS shot like shit last night though, but I do credit at least some of that to the raps defense. Sucks to lose JV but doesn't sound to serious and this is why we got the moose in the first place.
  14. Meaningless games and his health is the top priority. Both because they need him healthy in the playoffs and the raps showing his health matters to them is necessary to resign him. So yeah, don’t care too much.
  15. lemmings are definitely disgusting fat fucks. short too i bet.
  16. yeah,. shame really, i could have seen myself spending so much time playing this if the online was good. now it'll come out a couple times when friends are around and probably not much otherwise.
  17. hahahaha, nah man smash is boring af by yourself. we had a good crew and most of us just had some bs classes in the afternoon anyway. i think i had religion in the afternoon the semester it was big. i unno, it was high school over a decade ago so we were probably smoking chinabud anyway.
  18. Hahaha, it's crazy how many there are. They just keep coming. If you happen to lose any of the challenger fights you can go fight them again by going to the Game and More section (I think that's what it's called...whatever the top right option is on the main menu) and there will be a door looking icon in the bottom right where you can cycle through all the matches you've lost and get the unlocks . Another thing I like is being able to choose the music for each stage. Going from some Brinstar Depths music to the FF battle music in a stagemorph match is pretty dope.
  19. Yeah. Melee was probably the best couch mp game I've ever played. Used to head home at lunch during high school, get high and play Melee and just not go back to class. Won't get anywhere near as much playtime out of Ultimate at this point in my life, but still gonna try and get the boys together for a few sessions for sure.
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