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Everything posted by Casual

  1. My early go-to characters have been K Rool and Young Link. Both are beasts.
  2. Haven’t started world of light yet. I find it pretty close to Melee but tbh Melee is the only Smash I’ve spent a lot of time with. Didn’t play Brawl at all really and only played a bit of Smash 4 on 3DS.
  3. Normally a new challenger pops up for every 10 minutes of play time (give or take, seems to be based on time in actual matches...anything seems to count towards it). After the match (regardless of whether you win or lose) the timer resets so you gotta play another 10 minutes worth of matches. Doesn’t sound like that much but there’s 70 characters to unlock (only start with 8) so that’s over 10 hours (assuming you actually win all the matches and get the unlock). Anyway , if you go through one cycle of that, then immediately after the challenger match go to your home menu, close th
  4. Game is pretty solid. The unlocks take fucking forever though, I’m at like 40 characters and that’s using the game reset exploit. Unfortunately the online is absolutely awful. Not even worth booting up tbh. Not only can you not choose matchmaking options (you can have a “preferred” rule set...I set mine to 3 stock no time limit and so far I haven’t got put into anything close to that) but the lag is inexcusably bad. A 3 minute match ends up taking 6 minutes to conclude because it legitimately freezes multiple times a minute. Even the absolute best matches I’ve been in have a notic
  5. nice, that looks good. didn't see it before.
  6. might actually finish it if that happened.
  7. The only thing worse than the French are French Canadians.
  8. MHW is so godly man. One of the most pleasant surprises this year for me. Never thought I'd like that series. I kinda want to start a new character tbh. Maybe when there's a bit of a lull in releases.
  9. I didn't buy the game because it looks like it sucks and im burnt out on BF. But if you actually still enjoy the series and only avoided it cause there's women in it, you're probably a loser.
  10. What was the last studio MS acquired that actually released a good game after the acquisition?
  11. Not even the best DKC tbh. I like Tropical Freeze a lot tbh, didn’t play it in Wij U. Actually I was just playing it yesterday going through trying to get the rest of the secret worlds. DKC2 is just better IMO, on another level. Something just feels like it’s missing from Tropical Freeze...as amazing as the levels are they just don’t have the atmosphere that 2 does (or even 1 for that matter, though TF is still better than 1 overall). I don’t know exactly why that is, part of it is the enemies...the Kremlings make much more interesting villains than whatever the TF on
  12. Curry and Green out for the Warriors tonight. Hype deflated.
  13. Need both tbh. Doesn't even need to be a MP Trilogy, I'd settle for just the first. I'll miss Echoes but Corruption sucks anyway.
  14. Series was always ass and this one looked terrible when it was revealed.
  15. Either new ones or stuff that you might have been late to the party on. Year is pretty much done for big releases, gotta see what I might have missed out on. For me it'd probably be: 1) Celeste - The mechanics and perfect challenge/gameplay loop alone probably put this one in my top 5. But add in the style/soundtrack and I think it's my clear #1. Gets better every chapter. I gotta spend some more time getting berries and Side Bs. 2) Hollow Knight - Top 3 Metroidvania of all time for me. I had some minor issues with the pace at points and there were times when a bi
  16. Yeah that’d be a really cool approach. Wasn’t a fan of the puzzles themselves in The Witness but the way they’re integrated into the world would work well.
  17. Yeah that could be cool. I'd like them to experiment with having the concept of shrines but just laying around in the environment. Like just a big puzzle you happen to stumble upon while wandering through the world instead of going to a separate area. Either that or have the shrines take on the terrain of the area they were found in...they started to feel too samey after a while and I feel like you can do so many more puzzles if you have like snow, dessert, forest, etc etc. shrines.
  18. Yeah, great game. That'd be pretty close to what I'd want actually. the ALBW to BOTW. Actually now that I think about it, I would love to just have an ALBW style game on the Switch. Top down Zelda but harnessing the extra power? Count me in.
  19. I'd like a hybrid of sorts tbh. Slightly smaller BotW style overworld, maybe ~40 shrines (but remove all the lame ones), then 8-10 proper temples/dungeons. Bring back dungeon items and have it be a bit more of a restricted experience (ie you can't just go anywhere at any point...maybe you start with an option of 3 dungeons and then the items you get from there allow you to access other areas of the map).
  20. How are all you American's celebrating? Got a mass shooting to attend? Worst thing about American Thanksgiving is there's no (good) sports on for the day.
  21. 4.0 is about what Fallout 4 should have gotten.
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