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Everything posted by Casual

  1. I'd say that I hope you lemshits took a mental health day at work, but we all know you don't have jobs. For the ones who are heading back to school today, try not to shoot the place up on the first day
  2. Bro. I was so pissed when I found that out. I think I must have spent 2 hours going around the map looking for where I could possibly proceed and then eventually I accidentally found out you can jump off those.
  3. Majima is such a badass. Way better than Kiryu. Did some Dead Cells runs last night. Finally unlocked the random starter weapon which has been nice. Still haven't really put together a great run yet though.
  4. Finally got around to starting Yakuza 0. Game is legit, it definitely feels different than anything I've played before. The map seems so small but damn is it packed with shit to do...I keep getting sidetracked by minigame stuff though, spent like an hour at the batting cage last night. Just on Chapter 2 of the story trying to get some info about these real estate dudes.
  5. Finished off Overcooked 2. Played some more Dead Cells. Need a new game to main though. Got a few options...
  6. Beat Hollow Knight finally. Clocked in at 25 hours and finished with 74%. I'll probably go back at some point (I think there's one more DLC coming, so probably then) and do some more cleaning up. Game was excellent throughout. I can't think of a much better way to blend Metroidvania and Souls tbh. Solid difficulty level, incredibly designed world, top tier art and soundtrack, etc. Charm system is fantastic too, it was really fun experimenting to find what combo worked best for bosses, even though I missed like half the charms. My one gripe is that there was a few too m
  7. Made the mistake of trying Overcooked with my girlfriend. Now I only play Overcooked.
  8. Yeah. It'll get its hooks in you. I've been contemplating starting another run soon. It's just so daunting. Something I wanna do though. Honestly, if you really hate the combat just lower the difficulty, you can get pretty OP quickly and just breeze through the encounters while getting to absorb the story.
  9. Think I`m nearing the end of Hollow Knight. God it`s good. Might be a top 5 Metroidvania. Maybe even Top 3....Metroid Prime and Super Metroid are definitely ahead of it, but it makes a case for #3. Pretty hyped to try out Dead Cells next week.
  10. Been reading "Bullshit Jobs" by David Graeber. It's ugh...depressing.
  11. Still chipping away at Hollow Knight but haven't had much time lately :(.
  12. Before I took a break from it I had just beat Zorah Magdaros. Now I'm back to hunting the old monsters but the more powerful versions that show up in different zones. For some reason I thought beating Zorah was the end of the main quest but apparently it wasn't. And yeah, it'll probably be the first one I finish too...though I don't really know what constitutes "finishing" a MH game.
  13. Yeah, I couldn't believe how much I ended up liking MHW tbh. I'm kinda getting back into it, I find it's a pretty good game to jump into for short bursts to break up longer story driven games.
  14. Man I forgot how amazing Horizon was. The world they've built is damn incredible, even on a base PS4. Kinda pissed at myself that I stopped halfway through because I forgot quite a bit of the story details...it's kinda coming back though. I'm nearing the end of the main story now I think. Just uncovered what Zero Dawn was all about and now I'm headed back to Aloy's home cause sounds like buddy went and fucked it up. I'm pretty hyped to jump into Frozen Wilds. Love a good snow environment and this game does that great...and entire DLC focused on that sounds great to me
  15. Damn. Gonna add this to the list once I clear a couple more things out of the backlog. DK >>>
  16. Finished up Dark Souls Remastered. Such a godly game :bow:. Got a bit ADD after that. Went back and forth about whether to start Yakuza or RE7. Decided on neither. Jumped back into MHW and picked up where I left off, just after the main story ended, hunting a Pukei Pukei in the first area. Was kinda hard to go back to after Dark Souls, controls took some adjustment. I think I'll keep this one in the rotation, it's a decent game to kill 45-60 minutes with and make some progress. Played a bit of Rocket League cause it had been a while. I suck at this game.
  17. Yeah. The campaign is probably the least interesting part of the game lol. Didn't even finish it myself. Combat you're either gonna love or hate, I did enjoy experimenting with the physics and seeing what you can do to kill stuff, but the straight up sword combat isn't the most fun. It does get better, I think, when you're facing more well equipped enemies. Farming items for the higher level armor sets had some enjoyable fights. You should also make sure to do:
  18. I think 20 hours is a good amount. I was probably "hooked" around the 8 hour mark. Once I got a little ways into the second region. It's a game I still need to go back to and finish though. Stopped after probably 50-60 hours, just got burnt out. Just really daunting to go back to though, there's so much to keep track of in the world. I'd say to just explore how you want to, dont use any guides or feel pressured to do stuff in a specific order. If something in the distance catches your eye, just go check it out. There's really no penalty for doing so. Make
  19. Almost done with Dark Souls. Just got the last half of the DLC left. Sometimes I forget how amazing of a game it is. Even the worst areas in the game are generally quality. The only exceptions are probably Lost Izalith and Demon Ruins. Top 5 of all time for me. Been chipping away at the Octopath Traveller demo which has a 3 hour limit. Pretty close to that limit now, finished the thiefs intro and then went and recruited the alchemist. Think I can squeeze in most of a 3rd character before I'm done. Kinda on the fence of whether or not I'll grab it. A bit too long for my tastes, but
  20. DKCTF might actually be a decent challenge if there weren’t so many checkpoints and you didn’t accumulate so many lives. Even when there’s a tough section it still only takes a few tries to memorize the patterns.
  21. Up to World 3 in Tropical Freeze. Game is much better than I expected...I thought Returns was just okay. The levels in this are incredible, I loved the Sawmill one in particular. The great part is they all feel completely unique, having a "gimmick" that in most cases is very well executed. From a platforming/design standpoint, it might be the best 2d platformer I've played. With all that said...it's still lacking a certain atmosphere that the original trilogy (specifically 2) achieved. It just feels too...happy? The enemies kinda suck, they remind me of some new age d
  22. Hmm. Yeah, probably a pass then. I enjoyed the combat for what it was but don't think I'd go seeking more out. Plus, got my Souls fix coming next week. Think I'll trade it in and grab Tropical Freeze since I never played the Wii U version. That should last me till DS.
  23. Finally beat God of War yesterday. Great game, pretty rare i actually complete a SP game of that length these days. I kinda stopped doing the side stuff halfway through. Not sure if I’ll finish it up or not, is any of it particularly standout? Debating just trading in while the value is high.
  24. Damn. Thought that would be about halfway. But I guess I spent a lot of time fucking around. thanks!
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