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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Got to put a bit more time into GoW last night....I feel like I've probably put like 10 hours in but I don't think I'm too far. Been doing a lot of side stuff. I feel like I've outgeared/leveled the main story stuff i'm currently at, just wrecking stuff now. anyone got an idea how far through i am?
  2. I've actually never even tried the PvE. Just Battle Royale. I'll check it out though, hadn't really heard it praised till now.
  3. No longer addicted to Fortnite. Now I'm addicted to MHW.
  4. I mean...that's probably because PS4 just has way more good games than Xbox. But yeah Xbox seems to be the casual platform. The only people I know who game primarily on Xbox are people who had a 360 and played COD and just assumed the new xbox would be good lol.
  5. Been playing through Mario + Rabbids. On 2-5 right now. What a great game so far, if you never told me it was an Ubi game I'd believe you. Hasn't really been too tough so far, but it's been a decent challenge, definiely made me think a bit. Some of their takes on the genre + unique Mario type things they've implemented work wonderful. Right now it's just Mario, Rabbid Luigi and Rabbid Peach. Haven't subbed regular Luigi in yet.
  6. Took a break from Odyssey to check out Mario Rabbids. Game is legit so far, but I only got to the midway boss of the first area. Wanna get Wolfenstein but my buddy said he'll give it to me when he's finished so I'll just wait.
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