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Everything posted by ©linton514®

  1. If you were lacking in vitamin D before all the covid business, you're already in messed up shape.
  2. This woke shit is out of hand. Everyone crying over some " ism"
  3. soy un samurai Waiting for game play footage tomorrow
  4. If you don't have the muscles in the hood, you have to have that slick talk to keep you alive
  5. We don't even have Taco Bell in our province Other than that, I don't even think my favourite Mexican place is doing deliveries at this time
  6. I'm the guy who sold them the signs.
  7. Damn. Very unfortunate. I had similar pains but not as bad for the past 5 years. How often do you have flare ups, and are you on and off medication?
  8. I played the hell out of that on PS2... Might grab that from Steam
  9. Are there any therapies or medications to help deal with the pain?
  10. Nope. Thought about that too. I beat the odds On the real I've been avoiding sickness for years by keeping my hands clean
  11. I'm on immunosuppressants and I'm not scared. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I'm also not being an idiot and avoiding stores. So far I've only entered the bank for cash.
  12. There's usually a good share of violent crimes in most of the major cities. Less with guns. Unfortunately I've been witnessing people getting hostile with each other over shopping/waiting in long lines lately. With all this lockdown business, everyone is on edge.
  13. No, I'm in Canada but every province is different. Where I'm at there's a lot of down low racism. I guess it's that Canadian politeness. None of it bothers me too much since it gives me a good indication who to avoid having dealings with. On another note, I couldn't care to force racist people to include me in anything private. We have enough guidelines in place to ensure that racism doesn't hold people back in workplaces and education. When such things happen, you can file complaints, cases get investigated and they are resolved one way or another. I know a lot of br
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