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Posts posted by ©linton514®

  1. We don't even have Taco Bell in our province :|


    Other than that, I don't even think my favourite Mexican place is doing deliveries at this time :(

  2. 40 minutes ago, lostfool said:

    Yes and they are awful.  One is chemotherapy, another is an immune suppression medication, and another is nerve medication.  I go into remission with no treatment but during the flare ups is when it sucks.  Usually it attacks my joints, tendons, and muscles.  This time it is my nerves.  It sucks because there is nothing you can do to soothe it.  You can soothe achy soft tissue.  You can't soothe inflamed nerves that are being attacked by your own immune system.  

    Damn. Very unfortunate. I had similar pains but not as bad for the past 5 years. 


    How often do you have flare ups, and are you on and off medication?

  3. 18 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Did you sterilize the cash?


    Y'know, the thing that would've passed through many hands, recently?

    Nope.  Thought about that too. I beat the odds :trump:



    On the real I've been avoiding sickness for years by keeping my hands clean 

  4. 6 hours ago, -GD- said:

    damn, sad news. here i thought canadians just killed each other with kindness. anyhow, i hope it doesn't become an epidemic. 

    There's usually a good share of violent crimes in most of the major cities. Less with guns. 


    Unfortunately I've been witnessing people getting hostile with each other over shopping/waiting in long lines lately. With all this lockdown business, everyone is on edge.

  5. 16 hours ago, kokujin said:

    lol are you in new york? sorry lol.  I may get less patronized than you. I may look more "dark skinned," than "negro black."  There's likely a little more to it.  But I hope even a negro-looker can fully assimilate fine.  You're passed your 30s and 35+ I think people should treat you with respect and talk to you as they would any other adult, though. 

    No, I'm in Canada but every province is different. Where I'm at there's a lot of down low racism. I guess it's that Canadian politeness. :D  None of it bothers me too much since it gives me a good indication who to avoid having dealings with.


    On another note, I couldn't care to force racist people to include me in anything private. We have enough guidelines in place to ensure that racism doesn't hold people back in workplaces and education. When such things happen, you can file complaints, cases get investigated and they are resolved one way or another.


    I know a lot of brothas and sistas who need to hold themselves more accountable for their life choices. But you get called an uncle tom if you try to help people who really don't want to be helped ;)


    ps. yes that's Amharic... not that I speak it 


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