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Everything posted by ©linton514®

  1. ResetEra is such a shithole.
  2. This time of year, shit all going on. Traffic downtown is HORRENDOUS. This city is being torn apart and lazily cobbled together. Construction corruption. I guess if you want to go for a walk and see a few spots it would be old Montreal and the Old Port. There are some nice restaurants around there. Get to know the metro system and avoid asking the attendants for directions because a lot of them are asses if you don't speak french to them(even though they do speak and understand english very well). Wear a sweater.
  3. Just saw it. Enjoyed it very much. All of those critics can eat a dick.
  4. From my side, let me know. I might be out of action for a couple of months...medical issues and all. So let me know ASAP.
  5. Who was I supposed to send the PSD to again?
  6. So tell me what's up folks. I can sit in and record the show via skype...just name the date and time.
  7. I like. Sorta like how some sites do Second Thought type of thing.
  8. Nice. You just chose values and disabled user voting altogether right? For some reason none of that was working out for me. Let me know what you do with the review box.
  9. Visually, I'm not sure we need to add much more. Suggestions?
  10. Was the name of the other review plugin you're, I can give you a hand if you want. Review Box
  11. Sounds good. I've actually never used Digg or those types of sites much. So I'm a bit clueless there.
  12. I wasn't able to touch anything today but Javi, I'll chat with you tomorrow about some final thoughts.
  13. What exactly do you want changed? I can give you a PSD if you want to fool around with the logo.
  14. I have that one installed. It's the one with the thumbs up and down rating for posts as well. I'm just trying to figure out how to implement it into reviews. I just tested out a new review box: http://www.systemwars.com/site/?p=8 I need to change the colour of it but I think it works out pretty well. The only thing is that you have to implement it in HTML mode when writing your review. The code is pretty simple but I wish it was more integrated into the GUI: [review pros="Ultra realistic simulator.<br>Easy to jump into online play." cons="Visuals don't seem polished.<
  15. I'll try to get a tutorial vid done for those with posting access on how to use the theme/wordpress. It actually does convert a couple of images on the fly but I'll explain that a little later. I still need to find a proper podcasting feed. If you all have an official name that you want to use, let me know or it's just 'The SystemWars Podcast' Someone needs to set up a Youtube/Vimeo SW account. Hal are there ones already done? I suggest one more thing, a Feature that will have a rant from a person from each faction. Like G4TV has Adam Sesslars Soapbox. We need something catchy t
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