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Everything posted by Purist

  1. If God of War is working flawlessly on PS Now, I would like to think the latency has improved to the point that it will not bother most casual players. Btw this is for a different market than the traditional console players, not a bad thing.
  2. Yeah this is pretty common in big companies. But the way they spoke of how the "right" people won the power right before PS4's launch really got you thinking how things could have been different if the other side had "won" the power lol.
  3. Sounds like the EU/US power struggle have been ongoing for years. PSN stores are still region based and run their own discounts/promotions etc. I do hope Sony can successfully integrate them into a single unified global store.
  4. Not really worth it unless you live for the game or have a bunch of friends who regularly play with you. Part of Destiny's charm is chasing after the good exotic weapons but they are normally too grindy or are impossible to obtain unless you have a good squad. If you don't play PVP or certain activities like Raids, you are locked out of a good majority of weapons worth a damn. Destiny is just not fun when you are stuck with sucky weapons. Absolutely loved Destiny 1 back when it came out but it has kinda lost it's magic for me.
  5. Lol you think this is moneyhatted? Who else would make a tv series based on final fantasy? Sounds like a guaranteed flop.
  6. Spotted by us, the patent titled ‘Charging device for removable input modules’ was filed by Redmond-based Microsoft in 2017 and published by USPTO on July 9, 2019. The patent applications and drawings detail a removable controller for mobile/handheld devices (such as smartphones, tablet computers, portable games consoles). https://www.windowslatest.com/2019/07/09/microsoft-patent-shows-off-detachable-and-chargeable-game-controllers/
  7. Didn’t you sell your PS4 and got a Switch?
  8. At least the huge bezels are gone now
  9. This game is hilarious. Try it here.
  10. Not only Stadia though. No platform has crossplay for Destiny 2 so far.
  11. I think we shouldn't judge Halo Infinite based on Halo 5's sales. While Halo is not as popular as it once was, it's one of those franchises that can quickly return to the top with a really good sequel. I don't it's wise to underestimate Halo Infinite's potential.
  12. I still think MS will hold the power advantage. They don’t want a repeat of the start of this generation. If necessary, they will either delay the launch or just eat the cost to keep the power advantage.
  13. Saw this somewhere and literally laughed out loud. Xbox first party sucks this gen no doubt.
  14. People said Witcher 3 wouldn't be possible on Switch too I think good sales on PC convinced them that there is an audience for their games outside of Playstation so there's a high chance now that they want to expand the series to other platforms.
  15. How long till the series is ported to Xbox/Switch?
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