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Everything posted by Purist

  1. I can see the appeal for people who are hooked on GAAS games like Destiny. Just imagine logging in to your character to do some daily errands during lunch break at work on your work PC! The cross save feature is perfect for a game like this. Plus there's no upfront cost like buying a console so I think the appeal is still there for people who only play that one or two games forever and can bear a little lag.
  2. This looks really fun. I think this is one of the battle royale games I can enjoy.
  3. Awesome. I recently finished FF7 remaster in anticipation of the Remake. Game is still as good as I remember. The speed up feature definitely helped a lot, now I can't stand the battles at normal speed.
  4. Lol owned. Nintendo is alert AF for this type of stuff.
  5. Almost the whole E3 was leaked. Nintendo is doing the right thing.
  6. So who's the special guest they invited? I can't watch the conference.
  7. Purist


    Damn another 3 acquisitions, MS about to buy up all available devs at this rate. Looking at all the teasing and optimism, I think there will be some megatons at their conference. Bring it MS, would love to see the meltdowns lol.
  8. Lol at lemmings getting so defensive when people are not impressed by what their new studio showed. Could be great eventually, but what's shown thus far is nothing to get excited about. Even Crapgamer is not impressed.
  9. Isn’t Ni no kuni a Sony game? Liking what I see in the new tales game.
  10. No doubt about that. This E3 is gonna set the stage for MS next gen, they will have something.
  11. I would like the combat if battles don’t take so long. You can’t really just press x to win though. Some enemies near the end are hard to beat especially if you don’t grind. And you need the right paradigm set ups as changing paradigms are crucial to winning the battle. My issue is some enemies take too long to kill even with the correct strategy. I have a feeling they did this to pad the game length.
  12. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-05-22-nintendo-switch-fifa-19-players-shafted-once-again-as-ea-pulls-ultimate-team-ad-for-content-that-never-showed-up EA gonna EA. Just stop putting your games on Switch already.
  13. Lol why would they? FF13 is multiplat.
  14. I'm more curious who actually liked it.
  15. And with that smling face with heart shaped eyes. How could Deep Silver bear to do this
  16. I just finish it for the first time. Man what a boring game this is. Character runs so fucking slow and you can't sprint. It's a chore to get from one point to another especially in the more open areas later in the game. In the final chapters, enemies suddenly became much much harder and requires strategy. This is good but after you figured out the right strategy, you have to repeat it 10-20 times to kill them because they have very high HP. I almost fell asleep a couple times. Don't even get me started on the shitty story and how linear the overall game is. This could be the worst FF g
  17. Lmao at the Twitter reply. That person asking was so excited too
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