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Everything posted by Purist

  1. https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964 Really interesting insights on Bioware. This is depressing to read. Now I really feel bad for buying Anthem and supporting this shit. Also WTF @ Bioware magic. LOL.
  2. There are 3 major elements in the Beyond update. VR is just one of them. The other is called No Man's Sky Online (details to be shared later). And the third element is unknown. Still, No Man's Sky is largely a make your own fun type of game like Minecraft. You play the way you want, you can build bases, farms, go exploring or upgrade your fighters, freighter or your weapon. If you are looking for a good story or combat/gunplay or questlines then this is clearly not the game.
  3. Lol yeah, it was garbage at launch. I haven't revisit it since so I'm not sure if it's any good now. VR sounds perfect for a game like NMS though.
  4. Another positive impression from Upload VR. Upload VR: No Man's Sky VR Is A World Of Limitless Possibilities
  5. This and the Iron Man VR are games that would make me finally invest in VR.
  6. Nah. I already bought this game too many times. First on PS1, then on PSP and there's the PS4 remaster I haven't even touch. Having the game on Switch is very tempting though.
  7. I thought it's cool. Your pawn is like your Pokemon that fights alongside. You can build him/her as a support role while you charge into battle or build him/her as a tank while you shoot arrows and magic at the back, it depends on your preferred play style. You can also hire another 2 pawns from others in the rift and build your own party. This is unique in a good way imo.
  8. What a weird reason to avoid the game
  9. damn this made me laughed so hard. So apparently you will end up with the NPCs you have the highest affinity with and it can be ANYONE..lol
  10. Damn this looks like a new game. I need to get back to being addicted to minecraft again.
  11. Lol only Xbox testers on the insider program have access to auto refunds. They called it "alpha" to test refunds and they have been testing for 2 years now. Wonder what MS is waiting for.
  12. Lmao, didn't know "good guy" Steam have so many fanboys, it's hilarious. It's not only Retardera, all over the internet people are giving Epic a hard time for trying to compete with Steam lmao.
  13. Been playing it for the last 2 weeks. How did I miss this gem last gen? It's releasing on the Switch later this month. Get it sheep, this is one of the best action rpgs you can get and with great combat. Much better game than Skyrim imo.
  14. You are overthinking things for a single player game. Either way it's just another store that distributes games. just like you buying a game from Walmart or Gamestop it doesn't matter. If a distributor offers more incentives for the publisher/developer to release on it's platform, I don't see how it's a bad thing. Nobody is locked out of anything.
  15. All because it's launching on Epic Store and not Steam. Do these PC crybabies only play games on Steam or something? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/108935-the-outer-worlds-wont-launch-on-steam/page-12
  16. Atlus carrying the 3DS. Recently releases the excellent Radiant Historia perfect chronology and now this is looking good as well.
  17. Wasn’t that controller confirmed fake?
  18. Yeah I suspect it could be PC/PS4 like Nioh. If Kojima wants his game on PC, Sony won't be able to turn him down.
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