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Everything posted by Purist

  1. That was just a prediction from a random user. See RuthenicCookie 's replies below, he is the leaker.
  2. Source is from the Reddit user who correctly predicted Sony not appearing in E3 2019.
  3. Hard to disagree with this. Has Sony even commented on this yet?
  4. Lol I wonder what is Sony's rationale behind this move. They want to do their own conferences without the middleman? I get that. But skipping E3 altogether and no off site event either seem too big a gamble. This could either be a smart move to draw attention to their own events such as PSX or it could backfire giving all the spotlight to MS at E3.
  5. https://kotaku.com/nintendo-s-reggie-fils-aime-on-hopes-for-an-n64-classic-1830465672 Were anyone here looking forward to this?
  6. Even if true, it doesn't make any sense for them to announce this now. Lmao.
  7. PS Now already allows game downloads.
  8. We don't know what metric they are using. Could just be that they are more wanted or harder to find.
  9. 2 CODs outselling GTA V is more surprising to me considering the sales monster GTA V is.
  10. Obviously not this. This is certainly not any big news that should spark interesting discussions about next gen.
  11. Phil Spencer revealed as the double agent
  12. Apparently it's Playstation related "Should spark some interesting discussions" so it could be something controversial.
  13. The native 4K got all the X fans declaring their love and support for Rockstar. And many neutrals to opt for the X instead of the Pro version. Honestly thought it would do better.
  14. According to sales insider Benji on Resetera. Surprising since Xbox One LTD sales is not far behind PS4 in NA. Thought it would be closer in NA at least. I guess PS fans are bigger Rockstar fans given their legacy on PS platforms. Even when 360 was dominating, the PS3 version of GTA V sold close to the 360 version if I didn’t remember wrongly.
  15. Is this upgraded on the S as well? Or only on the X?
  16. Be honest, having your last gen games playable and upgraded on current gen machine is pretty dope. PS5 MUST have backwards compatibility, at least with PS4 games.
  17. There's no way Switch is not winning December. Nintendo usually sell a lot in December and with Smash and Pokemon this year, it has a decent shot at 3 million in December alone.
  18. Surprising given how the VR didn't took off as expected. Is the PC VR market large enough to support Rift, Vive and this?
  19. So revenue for the entire streaming market is less than 300 million?
  20. I suffer from the same problem. Too many games, too little time. It's not easy to commit so much time into a game these days. And when I finally managed to immerse myself in a huge game like Witcher 3 or RDR2, reality called and you get back to work or some other life commitment. And it's not easy to get yourself back into the game again. I can't play a game like RDR2 for an hour a day after work like some do. I just can't get into it like that.
  21. What’s different in Vesperia from the others?
  22. You may want to note that Symphonia's battle system is kinda outdated though. You fight on a 2D plane like the old tales games.
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