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Posts posted by Purist

  1. 15 minutes ago, HALOmij said:



    He's summing up his opinion from watching the trailer....





    Goes fullscreen and looks right at the camera and says ".... or if it's the hardware..." and gives a stupid ass look... like as if to say "Series X is less powerful than PS5"...



    I didn't watch it but in this sense hardware would be referring to the Xbox dev kit? Especially since it is known/rumored that Xbox dev kit was having issues so they showed footage with a PC representative of XSX instead. I mean come on, you are focusing on that one line. It's not uncommon to find people unimpressed with Halo Infinite's showing and he did give some high praise to other MS games in his other videos.

  2. 42 minutes ago, DynamitCop! ALM said:

    Abby came away looking like a good person, she only killed when she had to and kept on point with what she intended to do. She was focused, she went after Joel and only Joel, saw her task to completion and then moved on. She spared Ellie and the others multiple times because it wasn't about them, it was an eye for an eye with Joel. 


    The dumbest part about Ellie's entire arc was that she had overwhelming contempt for Joel because of what he had done, how he didn't let her die so a cure could be made and so on and so forth. However in that same thought she wants to kill Abby for seeking vengeance against Joel because he murdered her father during the events of what Ellie wanted to happen in the first place?!? How can she be pissed about Abby killing Joel? She basically hated him for stopping it from happening, and the only reason he's dead is because he killed the people doing the procedure that she post-knowledge wanted to go through. It's fucking stupid. 


    To add to this she doesn't care about anyone else, she's selfish, she doesn't heed advice, she can't let things go when they've very clearly reached the point that they absolutely should be let go and she kills everyone just to get to her illegitimate target who had full justification for killing Joel. What was the end result? Countless people dead for needless reasons, her own friends getting killed, her losing her family and community, her losing her fingers...


    And for what? Abby is still alive, she accomplished nothing. She lost her mind and went on a rampage not weighing or caring about any of the consequences, she's a psychopath. 



    Well, you obviously missed how much Joel meant to Ellie. And yes she clearly lost herself and became obsessed on revenge, which is not hard to understand imo. It's all cool though, the story works for some and didn't for others.


  3. The last third has the best parts of the game: the sniper fight, the rat king at the hospital and the battle on the island. I feel the story dragged a little in the middle when it switched to Abby but the last third was awesome. The Ellie part at the end is necessary imo. You feel her inner struggle how she couldn't just let it go.  By the end I really wanted her to let it go which she did eventually but it costed her everything. It's a rather sad ending for her.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Also, ZhugeEX made a tweet, but then deleted it pretty fast afterwards




    To me a new Banjo game just seems like a no brainer...or at least actual Remakes of the original 2 Banjo games.

    Apparently, Zhuge said his tweet was a fake/photoshop. And Greenberg clarified on this:

    I still don't believe him though, these accounts are just opened this year.




  5. 7 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Been a bit busy these last couple days, what have the impressions been like? 

    Previews are mostly very positive so far. DF said it's the single largest jump from a developer's first game to the second this gen. Major highlights are the detail, level of customisation and options to make decisions that impact the narrative. Some concerns touched on the stealth AI, clunky inventory, UI and pop ins. Gameplay looks smooth and fun to me. I'm kinda glad that they went with first person.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Important to note that it's no longer just RT emissive lighting anymore, they've added RT shadows, AO, and another one I can't remember off the top of my head.


    So the RT that's in there now is significantly more demanding than what they had before.


    But yea, I think the consoles in general are going to struggle a bit with the game, or either have some things paired back quite a bit.  I still think it's crazy that we haven't seen any console footage of this game ever at this point... so I'm not hopeful for it.  Hopefully for the console fans their next gen patches come out relatively soon and then they have an awesome version to play.

    No doubt it will be severely gimped on current gen consoles. Will be interesting to see how it runs on base ps4 and xbox one s though lol.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Voidler said:

    Funny reading back into these rumours and shows how stupid things get without context. Ellie never dies obviously.

    The scars are not a Christian cult, I'd scarcely even say they are religious - only anti technology. And they are not strictly evil or the bad guys. 

    Abby is NOT transgender. She is a woman who literally lives in a football stadium her room is literally next to the gym. She works out, I thought it was cool, she was like playing as a female UFC fighter. You could even see her stretching out her DOMs in her idle animations.


    Abby killing Joel, after you just played as her. It was a brilliant narrative move. I was fucking furious, I felt everything that Ellie did and wanted nothing more than to kill her.


    Joel's death was the catalyst for action in the story but it was also the bedrock for how I felt about Ellie and Joel's relationship. Seeing how they fell apart, how she spoke to him the night before he died. It struck me in the feels


    Then Druckmann has the balls to pull you out of the moment the story had built up to, it looks like Abby is about to kill Ellie and she has just killed Jesse. And he does 10-15 hours in the story of Abby. I fucking hated it to start, then I grew to like her abit more and then liked her character a lot. But I still thought she deserved to die, and Druckmann again has the balls to make me try to kill Ellie as Abby


    So many times the story made me do things I didnt want to, and that just made it all the more substantial.


    Because it all builds up to the ending. The whole thing has a No Country For Old Men vibe in the back and forth hunting. And the depths they take the character makes Abby, IMO, one of the best and most nuanced antagonists in gaming. In the end I really wanted to kill her but then we got to play her briefly as well and I was happy to see her doing well. 

    I thought you only play rocket league

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