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System Warrior
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Everything posted by DMC

  1. I still have the most posts in this thread. Ya'll need to tighten up
  2. you close? No. I'm in Florida. I might make a trip up there one day thou Don't. There's no room for assholes. There's plenty up there. They're called the Seahawks
  3. you close? No. I'm in Florida. I might make a trip up there one day thou
  4. It's funny how many black people actually post here. It doesn't seem like the kind of place
  5. Drop his pants and suck his dick already :lol:he'll have to wait until I'm finished
  6. ugh. I'm in the same boat. Yeah it would. You'd look fit at least. Look on the bright side. You aren't fat
  7. Wrong thread?? You're not going to get any bigger. That's a fact unless you start taking in a caloric surplus, unless genetics. But that's not to say you can't increase your GPP. (For the record, GPP is what makes you feel "in shape" ). Therefore I workout regardless but yeah you definitely need to start eating more if you wanna get swole
  8. Think about this: She was in high school when that pic was took
  9. lol. Looks like Xelle got her a lil sugar daddy with a pedo mustache. Probably got some nigs on the side though. What are ya'll instagram friends (TPH)
  10. What do you expect? She's part of BDG Xelle looks like Raven Riley's little sister or something
  11. Niggas who don't have insecurity issues do not make rants on the internet about how they can't get the women they want and say they would be better off if they were a woman, period. I've never mentioned you not sleeping with a woman in six years because it's irrelevant. You could have fucked some girl yesterday, and it wouldn't change the fact that you have a deluded view on the social relationship between men and women, amongst many other things, fueled by your inferiority complex or whatever else you want to blame it on. You keep bringing up this shit about how you've "turned down" all t
  12. damn bro turn down every once in a while lol I'm not sure even low deserves to get destroyed so routinely
  13. may you find happiness with the human size cardboard nintendo characters and other useless memoribilia that you spent your money on, but somehow someone with the money who spends a lot on something they care about to wear, must be "pathetic". The ironing is burning we don't all find shopping at wal mart for shirts made by slave children who $15 is their entire year salary, that appealing. But who cares where what you buy is from as long as it's cheap right? Great motto to live by The irony is you'll probably see em be worn by nigs who can't really afford them
  14. been there done that. I don't even really fuck with downers anymore. I just had a Lil opportunity recently
  15. No. I meant heroin. its prescribable in other countries. he had like 2 packs with 5 ampoules each. that must have been so GODLY
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