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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Lafiel

  1. After finishing Dark Souls and my replay of Demon Souls. I decided to give some serious time towards Dragon's Dogma (PS3 version). Absolutely loving it so far. Few thoughts. - Combat is fucking incredible.. like this is easily the best melee combat in a RPG next to Dark/Demon souls, Kingdom hearts BBS and M&B Warband etc while playing very different from all those games. It's like a watered-down DMC system with all the good stuff from role-playing titles like character customization, party members etc added in to make up for it. My biggest problem I have with the combat at this point is the lack of lock-on, feels like they could have just tied it to the right analog button or something. - Pawn/Vocation system is very interesting and unique. However, it's a bit of a missed opportunity that they didn't use a online pawn coop system similar to souls with the whole phantom/human form thing. - Difficulty seems to have a good challenge playing with the hard mode DLC enabled. I'm dying in one hit, and despite the lack of punishment for dying, some of the more tougher enemies I'm facing seem to require more skill and strategy with my pawns on my end, which feels good. Despite how much I'm enjoying the game, it's definitely a bit of a diamond-in-the-rough, feels like it lacks a lot of polish in areas, frame-rate is also pretty awful at times. Definitely needs either a next-gen sequel or a PC port.. preferably both at the very least. Thankfully the flaws and jank don't deter from my enjoyment of the game thus far. If it keeps up this level of quality it will easily be my GOTY of last year.

  2. Why are you even bothering arguing with someone who prefers posting in environments where everyone conforms to his opinions? it's pretty much the only reason he liked smoothands, because she was a petite woman that conformed to his oppressive will and never ever attempted to challenge it. :smug: inb4 dili sez OH BUT YOU ARE WRONG WE ALWAYS DISAGREED ABOUT STUFF AND NEVER SHARED THE SAME OPINIONS!!

  3. Notice how this faggot has not even tried to argue anything i said or justify why the game is "good"? Hey guys it's good, it's true. I suck the cock of Nintendo and enjoy it, he just says its not good because it's on 3DS, he wasted all that money on a 3DS and the collectors edition of KH and hyped it just so he can lie on an internet forum! That must be it! Kid just likes hop on bandwagons more than anyone i;ve ever seen. Phony ass faggot. Get the fawk out of my face.

    Notice how you haven't even justified your opinions beyond using SW-level arguments and fallicious ad-hominen attacks. :smug: I thought a VIDEO GAME expert like yourself was better than that, and your level of argumentative discourse was so well-reasoned and justified. :lul:
  4. Ys : Oath In Felghana (PC) - Something like 5 to 6 hours in this now. I'm starting to really get hooked on it, and I've had it since it's launch on STEAM. Mount and Blade: Warband (PC) - Just having quick rounds of MP with the Napoleonic wars DLC. So much fun.:glad: Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) - On like chapter 10 of my Master Ninja play-through. :salute: after I'm done with this I'm going move on to bayonetta normal-hard (360) and work on hard mode of Vanquish and all the challenges.

  5. I played the 360 version of Crysis 1 over the weekend, and I actually like Crysis 2 a lot better. I don't know what changes were made to the 360 version of Crysis 1, but in the 360 version, its open world is basically meaningless in practice because there aren't any unique locales or upgrades to find so there's no incentive to explore. The island also has very little character. It's pretty much just palm trees, non-descript buildings, and constant KPA patrols. Then going into the nuts and bolts of the game: You character moves too slow at its default speed (which along with the constant KPA patrols further discourages going off the beaten path), the jumping physics are off (you float down like a kite), the vehicle physics are wonky and the vehicles are prone to getting stuck on environmental objects, the enemy variety is light, and the final boss is the only boss in the game that I can remember.

    Not exactly, the strength of Crysis and it's level design is in it's mechanics - seriously look at this shit http-~~-//youtu.be/-y5KiJt9oxg?t=1m31s it's a good example of why Crysis is one of the best FPS ever made, and why I've replayed it over 4 times.:)

  6. I'm doing a replay of both Vanquish and NGS on Hard.:smug: playing the first 4-chapters of Uncharted 3 made me realise I needed to play a real man's game. Was playing NG2 on Mentor... but I gave up after chapter 3.:face: might try and buy NGS2 sometime soon, also since Bayonetta is really cheap right now, is it worth my while upgrading my shitty PS3 version to 360.>_> Oh yeah I'm also on Day 4 in Devil Survivor 2, and a friend of mine bought me a STEAM version of YS : oath in felghana, can't wait to give it a play-through later on.:o

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