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Everything posted by Cell

  1. Even if Ghostz was a real life cuck, you have to have a woman to get cucked. There’s absolutely no way you have a woman with the amount of time you invest into SW. So good luck with that bait.
  2. Don’t talk to me about bets. I set one up where all you had to do is post a picture of games console you owned and you would of finally trumped Ghostz and could of made a sig of your choosing for me for a whole year. That was a complete low hanging fruit. Instead you ran away faster than your receding hairline. And now here you are trying to construct whatever weak shit this is. No is buying what you’re selling jerky. No one. Apart from this firepower clown who’s either your alt or retarded. For the rest of us, you came out of that as a bitch.
  3. Eat shit Jetucky, I tried this with you two weeks and the only thing you proved is that you're a pussy. Get the fuck out of here. Edit: Meanwhile in your tens of thousands of posts, you've done the above how many times? Sit down.
  4. Look at this shithouse up to his usual tricks. Jerky I set it up for you to prove you own your own switch and have a normal hairline and you dicktucked the entire thread and tried to water it down with endless bullshit. We all saw what happened buddy.
  5. Philocchio Seriously though anyone who thought otherwise was kidding themselves. Just look what iTunes and later Spotify did to the music industry and in particular brick and motor shops which only sold physical content. But Phil thinks people are going to pay for gaypass and then go out and buy the games which release on gaypass full price. Ok.
  6. Dude who the fuck are you talking to? When you do this narrating shit I imagine you talking to voices in your head. I guess being the laughing stock on an internet gaming forum is the least of your worries huh. Edit: .....Oh shit......Jetucky has multiple personalities? ........One of them must have a good job and own a switch.
  7. He does the work for you, you just have to ask him to backup his own posts.
  8. I said pages ago all Ghostz would have to do is show a phone picture and he’d win this bitch, it was obvious on the front page Jerry has less balls than Caitlyn Jenner.
  9. You sure showed us bubby. Oh wait, no, no you didn’t. That’s the point.
  10. Jerky, don’t think I’ve forgotten about this. The deadline came and went, and after even your literal thousands of posts claiming another member of this board has no hair, works in a sales job and doesn’t own his own shit, you my friend failed to prove anything, including: 1) You yourself aren’t balding, 2) you don’t work in telesales or do a reception job, 3) You own your own switch and don’t play your little nephews. This could of been opportunity to put some substance behind your endless insults but instead the only thing you proved is that you’re a pussy
  11. I’m out, it’s nearly 1AM in the UK. Jerky if you put on your big boy pants and agree to anything be sure to tag me so I see it. I’m not holding out much hope though.
  12. Its not a demand, its a bet request, and I've told you winner takes all credibility. I even threw in my sig for a year. You're under no obligation to do anything but it's not a good look.
  13. Bruh we're now on the 4th page and we can't get you to commit to a TV photo. You can't start making demands. EDIT: Better yet, we'll put it on the list.
  14. This thread has turned out more interesting as a Jetucky spit-roast, I’m not even sure he owns a TV at this point. That was a low hanging fruit and he’s ducking at every opportunity.
  15. Forget the hairline, jerky chicken won’t even post his gaming set up. Dude literally just has to post a fucking picture of a TV and he can’t commit.
  16. No one is buying the act Jerry babes. You’re not owning anyway, you just look like a bitch.
  17. Jerry when he’s asked to back up his thousands of posts with ONE photo:
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