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The Notorious TPH

System Warrior
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Status Updates posted by The Notorious TPH

  1. I have not forgotten about you.

  2. I miss you dawg no homo aiight maybe a lil homo

  3. I saw pulp fiction for the first time a few days ago LAM

  4. look @ that pretty smile

  5. Still watching your every move.

  6. The Marlins are terrible BTW

  7. The sign outside says Lou's tavern. I'm fucking Lou. Who the fuck are you?

  8. This will not stop.

  9. What's with your stupid election, i'm actually still a moderator. I just am going to do that quietly in the background and not talk on the forums. I can still give out infractions and stuff, not bans backstabber. You made good on your threat to demod me, however I am still a mod, just not a super moderator. It's spam now? you actually care about spam? lol, I did. What happened was you bailed out your cow friend handsome horse that you flirt with non stop to get me demodded because I banned him for a racist comment, not for spam as his infraction states. You backstabbed me in the process for your excessive favortism of cows on the forum. If you are chosing mods for javier, I bet you will choose cows as usual, totally unfair favortism, cleo will stay when he does nothing on the forum except mess with my account and only made two bans yet drops the n word. Rede is the only good cow on the forum. Your not objective and you favor cows, that's why I was demodded. Nothing else.


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