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The Notorious TPH

System Warrior
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Posts posted by The Notorious TPH

  1. "text game" jesus fucking christ. Just call her when you wnt to hang out, or txt her to make plans. start this bullshit you call flirting in person. Fuck you kids are insane these days with thse txt conversations.

    You are getting old son.

    Yet I bang girls of all ages. My style works just fine thanks, and I don't need to have conversations all day with multiple women. shit's lame, but maybe this generation of beta males enjoy it.

    believe it or not girls appreciate a phone call, it shows confidence and is a nice change from the man-children who only communicate when they can think about what they're going to say. I call with purpose and authority, and the women bow to it. :geese:

    EDIT - I'm not against texting in general, just if you're maintaining conversations in order to make things more comfortable in person.

    Old man.
  2. What I want to know, is if it was like a homemovie an ex put up or was she payed to do this?

    Oh, and to keep it systemwars, what did you expect from a white chick that dates black guys? :cruise:

    the kicker is that the white guy had a bigger dick than tph

    else he wouldnt feel inferior enough to dumb her :troll:

    I didn't even really pay attention to his dick.

    But clearly you did. :bena:

  3. PeterPopoff, shut the fuck up.

    No, I don't know why people feel the need to humilate people. TPH is a real scumbag if what he is posting here is true. This isn't funny. He's made it clear he is using this video to blackmail this women. I would say TPH will probably regret this someday, but I doubt he has a conscience. I know this makes for funny systemwars content for you guys. But this is fucked up shit. TPH has no proof that this women was cheating on him. He has no proof of when this video was made. But he is still using it to humilate her, blackmail her, etc. I really hope he has the shit kicked out of him.

    we can send black hand to woop his ass

    I'm actually hoping one of the family members of this woman whoops his ass.

    Tallest member of her family is like 5'2 and I box and spar on a weekly basis. :Jeff:
  4. So was this all bait?

    Nah. I dumped that bitch, went out to the premiere of the BMF documentary, then me and my niggas went out tonight and found new bitches and celebrated. Afterwards we were trying to find a wing spot then we ran into our principal and college advisor from high school at a bar.

    Posted Image

    Anyway, it's been real mah niggas. Glad to have gone through this with yall. I can't wait till she has to explain to her brother why we broke up. Salute. :salute:

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