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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Root

  1. Give us on update bruh. she didn't text me anymore, I didn't text her anymore. end of story. Technically she never texted you to begin with, just replied, like twice..
  2. too harsh bro Don't feel too bummed she actually bothered to reply to your texts which isn't a bad thing, but you messed up. There's really not a whole lot you can do at this stage... I have a question though, who opened you or her? And did you guys talk about anything other than video games or no?
  3. You have awful fucking text game/game in general, and honestly I'd bail if I were you... Your entire thing is an interview and she hasn't asked you a single question, she's not interested and you've already established yourself as some creepy fuck who's only social crutch is video game discussion. I'd say much more, but quite frankly it's like curb stomping a fetus.
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