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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. continue to ignore the bf you can be up front as fuck with this girl now and get in a little trolling too... that could end in your favor. just start talking about fucking and bdsm and shit and see if she's into it. if not? well she has a bf. if so? she needs a master
  2. give it a rest. we all saw he fucked up. he knows it too. that is why we are trying to help (now )
  3. forgot to edit the number okay this thread is a bit too risky yeah, to be cereal, dial down the gamer shit a moment eh? but yeah man come on, most of us wouldn't do anything but you're lucky someone like spicoli or z weren't ITT but the gamer shit is all I have to talk about with this girl. ultimately if that did happen, it wouldn't be too big of a deal. I have no expectations with this chick anyways. do you ever do anything fun with your life? i kinda have an 'out' because i throw parties every weekend but dont you do anything like that? i would get bored if all a girl
  4. forgot to edit the number okay this thread is a bit too risky yeah, to be cereal, dial down the gamer shit a moment eh? but yeah man come on, most of us wouldn't do anything but you're lucky someone like spicoli or z weren't ITT
  5. "Stop with the Resistance, let me stick it in your Portal or i'm gonna put you in the Killzone"
  6. i insufflated .1 and then subbed another .1 when my nose wouldnt stop bleeding
  7. you ever get a biggun? like a 1g+ rock? first time i did it we had to break me off that shit with a knife. then i shoved that shit up my nose til it bled best night ever
  8. that is like saying noodles is the same thing as lasagna No it isn't, since X technically refers to MDMA, it's just most of the time that includes the cut and other drugs in the pill as well x is mdma and cocaine and bleach and molly is pure mdma is the way i learned it
  9. They actually were clear, illuminated by my cameras flash Nice yea We have had some nice batches going around for the past few months now. Usually in Tally its pretty hard to find good E but lately its been everywhere. yuck, why would you do E when you got molly
  10. z, please post more polka dot bedsheets you can wrap around you as a "shirt" along with those wonderful elf shoes
  11. if you dont spend hundreds of dollars how do you expect him to look poor
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