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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. moonrocks dont even bother with powder probably cut with bleach and god knows what else
  2. i reeeeaaaallly wish i still had pics :( youd have been so jelly of my length looks good though
  3. if you ever get really serious about losing weight i can help you greatly. i have personal trainer in my blood
  4. yeah man fuck being comfortable. you need more leather straps and jingle bells
  5. he did a AMA on reddit, one of about 5 threads ive ever experienced on that stupid site, and he hinted at an online show
  6. He's dead. show some respect. i watched him livestreaming on youtube last night bitch hologram. has robotussin taught you nothing? why do people pick on me for thigns that could legitmately be true? in real life, you could honestly not exist as anything more than an electrical probe in my brain
  7. He's dead. show some respect. i watched him livestreaming on youtube last night bitch
  8. is this really the drug food women thread? if i talk about events will i be ridiculed? :wonder;
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