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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. spark a bowl before drinking and your life will never be the same. doesnt have to be an eighth worth of bongrips, just a two hitter or a bat or something
  2. I would take the life of a child if it meant i could get drunk on 4 shots again also how do you not like the taste of jager? its like candy
  3. rofl fucking rat looking mother fucker over here every time you try to insult it me, it makes me laugh like a maniac because i know ive hurt you pretty good to make you attack me like some little boy who just found out how to lie Aren't you accusing of him of what you do to me? That's called projecting. I do to you what I think you want, honestly. I truly believed it was part of your schtick. Everyone here should know by now that I'm a very kind and gentle person when it comes to srs bzns
  4. rofl fucking rat looking mother fucker over here every time you try to insult it me, it makes me laugh like a maniac because i know ive hurt you pretty good to make you attack me like some little boy who just found out how to lie
  5. other than her tiny tits her body is okay but face leads me to believe its messed up pretty good also her vag is flappy
  6. Faggot thinks he's the joker Got any movie theatres to shoot up? Dicktucking posting pics can someone explain to this guy he's retarded?
  7. lmao this cat who doesn't post any pics of his no life talkin about hiding his face kiddo are you new here? ive posted dozens of pictures of myself
  8. gotta hide her face girls like that all over campus but at least they usually have bigger tits than me.
  9. My nikka http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/robot.gif http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/robot.gif Indeed. My stunning blue eyes are too much to handle. You're eyes ruin everything. You look like you have downsyndrome with em', as well as those weird ass eye brows. As I said, keep the shades on. This brown scum hatin on my baby blues My first sentence ever was "Mickey blue eyes!"
  10. Go figure z warrior would say something retarded just to try to look cool
  11. I have posted many then this post doesn't concern you directly Was just attention whoring
  12. Dude your posts scream "give me attention!" more than mine do. I know its a schtick but you dont have to be mean
  13. BH is just adhering to his schtick. he knows he's about as frightening as i am in my perpetual state of incoherence
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