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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. Even befrag? Do you have any idea who I am? I'm ACTUALLY as smart as CowKing thought he was I'm going to bed.
  2. I was looking up reverse cell phone look up on the same day. The second she called I was getting the number he texted from. Hey idiot.. get some sleep? If she would have called me back to complain, I would have asked her which number had texted her.. She did not call me to complain so therefore I do not have have the number. Seriously dude are you a retard?
  3. So, you were on her to get the number instantly, but couldn't get it. So you failed at making a connection with some unknown-to-her-nerd... with a whore. I was looking up reverse cell phone look up on the same day. The second she called I was getting the number he texted from.
  4. Then post his number to confirm. If you wont post it in full post the middle letter in the first 3 digits and then two from the final 4, and include the entire area code. If you do not, you face undeniable rape. If you do, you may be redeemed. This will either be a 20 page thread or end right now.
  5. you guys should know better. look at what systemwars is saying. its fucking hilarious. "longer than FFXIII versus has been in development"
  6. you probably havent been watching z very closely if you feel sorry for him (other than just being an art student and craving attention so badly he pretends to off himself to a videogame forum)
  7. yeah im sure you will be working with apple designing my next case
  8. Or I work there. How's your art degree going man? dont be polite to me fuck face he was shitting on you waste of an education, dumb shit. no wonder you are going into art
  9. lmao yeah im the loser because my parents dont pay for my silver spoon lifestyle while you try to kill yourself. LOL and you're an art student??? But im the one destined to fail son you realize straight out of college, my major is training me for programs with starting salaries of 80 to 130k. Like... in two years. Hey, maybe I'll hire you to draw me some nice pictures!
  10. because its fun to watch you make excuses to be a secluded pussy niger faggot
  11. Yep, white hah. Half hispanic and half white. Don't worry, I put Caucasian for all my applications. no affirmative action there though essay
  12. maybe, you do have bigger breasts than she does Please. All I did was type your name in Facebook and you were the first one to pop up. Like I even tried yes, you tried, you would think being a stalker is completely natural to you son you best be attacking me
  13. i bet malacreep masturbates to the thought of mine and xelle's exchanges
  14. its like people crave your attention? someone link the zwarrior suicide thread plz
  15. could you imagine being such an insufferable twat that you had to make a post on a videogame forum about murdering yourself just to try to get ANY emotion or response out of even strangers you will never meet on the internet just to find some sort of meaning in your pathetic and privileged life?
  16. im glad someone else noticed how instantly upset this kid was lmao seriously ahhaa what the fuck he was even attacking kokujin, who he used to be cool with. Dude is a big cunt. that little fuck was attacking kokujin? Fucking everyone likes kokujin
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