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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. im glad someone else noticed how instantly upset this kid was lmao seriously ahhaa what the fuck
  2. so the chick is like 6'5"? godamn she looks like a lineman. She's a dominatrix She's also an all-pro I told her to take up boxing, she'd be the tallest in the sport. But then again http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h-hmcnlmrQ please refer to her as Terminator
  3. you might just as well drop it in my paypal. im gonna win that photoshop contest
  4. fucking mods are huge noobs tonight wtf tender pink pussy? none of you remember this?
  5. you lucky bitch :3 poppy tea with ativan and xanax and alcohol and weed
  6. is this actually the official drug thread? i'm about to down a ton of morphine
  7. fusion is probably my 2nd fave as well. zero mission got boring later on when you are wearing your 'zero suit'
  8. You are about to experience the best adventure/platforming game that has ever existed. I expected you to respond, I just didn't think it would be so immediate After playing SotN and loving it, I thought I'd go check out the clear inspiration for gameplay shift properly. Also, save functions. NES Metroid is great but... ugh. basically i recommend playing SM with headphones or loud enough speakers, and in a dark room. Most immersive game of all time, treat it with respect
  9. You are about to experience the best adventure/platforming game that has ever existed.
  10. Fuck yeah, where you been? i didnt understand what he said until the quote and i read it like fifteen times. whi dun pepol spel rite?
  11. i remember when i was a hoverhand back when i didnt know every girl i touched got wet
  12. be precise in what final fantasy you are talking about. always. i thought we had a gamer onboard
  13. is this game multi-playerCan handle more players than MAG. Cheaper to pick up, too. sweet, how much is it to buy or better yet, rent? $5, $10, $20? It's free to play like Killzone 3, but extras cost. Like anal. now that's some dlc right there its sad that this is the funniest thing on SW this year
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