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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. you mean you are dave chappelle, without the fame. shit, then I need to get the fame then, huh? fuck. driving to the liquor store. don't wanna be human no mo'. you mean you are dave chappelle, without the fame. or wit, or money, or women, or incredible life experiences, or friends, or a job, or an education llmfao. why you so hurt about me? dave marrried an asian whore and says himself 'vagina wins' btw. He's pretty just like me. lmfao my nasty ******s all chimed in this thread. Well, I guess your day's fullfilled. do you read what you say or
  2. you mean you are dave chappelle, without the fame. or wit, or money, or women, or incredible life experiences, or friends, or a job, or an education
  3. i dont think ive ever done a lift under 2 hours Yeah but the both of you aren't that big or strong looking. On every fitness forum they say over 1 hr 20min is pointless. this is when i was much bigger than i am now. i already proved i was more useful than any of you idiots with my state qualifiers work and my near record performances i was no house but i was pure muscle. i used the bigger faster stronger system and then added my own cardio/core. after school id start lifting at 3:15 and not finish til about 6. if i had practice for a sport id do my lift there if we we
  4. What kind of cretin would be embarrassed by having a large cranium? "OH NO I have more space for brain mass and a larger canvas for brain matter to produce itself :( " dont waste your intelligence on such trivial "self consciousness". In reality, it's a lack of consciousness leading you to these feelings.
  5. stellar writer. more effective than 97% of this forum, no doubt. I'll slip my semi in your colon what about me, big boy? B-2 Gays. we might be gay but i bet you have had more dicks in your mouth than both of us combined
  6. lmfao you dont know how to write either you're as bad as the other chimp
  7. this is also a bad sentence. You should always capitalize the first letter of the first word of a sentence.
  8. Even a semicolon would have been more appropriate; his independent clauses were related to the same thought.
  9. Don't be mad if I don't respond right away. I need some time to recover from that one bro.
  10. zwarriors SW avatar is a hilarious depiction of himself with a mustache
  11. btw your dad bought your apt because he knew you were going to fail in life and he would feel like even more of a failure if you died in the streets
  12. lmfao ill post it again, it was supposed to be funny you idiot the point with low was he posted something from my fb. i wouldnt care if it made me look like a fucking body builder ya dumb chimp
  13. roflz, you are the person people go inside to avoid having to look at btw i'm going on a cross country motorcycle trip with my dad this summer think about that next time your father tells you he wishes you had done something useful with your life
  14. I give people one chance. you failed. i'm standing directly under a fluorescent light... also im irish/german/polish so...
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