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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif 360 I have the hermlord version breh Well have fun with it all the same. wait, fuck, i thought you said unless you're playing it on 360 http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/sad.gif
  2. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif 360 I have the hermlord version breh
  3. i had a backloggery but it got so depressing i just stopped pretending i had that much time
  4. srsly good luck.. be ready to work for cheap at the start of your career. Especially in this economy. Worst time to start a career since the great depression.imo. without the "reg", I agree. However there is over 99% job pickup within 6 months from the program im graduating, so i think i'll be okay.
  5. i was pointing out that it was hilarious that in 2012 i was still getting BSOD's you tard you went on some self-approval spree and went linkhunting faster than guilty in a thread about trade embargos THE FIX!!!!! just guess what it was. hit the power button. OMG THANK YOU SPICOLI FOR TEACHING ME Now, on to why we got into this. Please explain to me, technically, exactly why you are upset with the core architecture they went with instead of 6. Even if you think I wont understand, let's hear it. Also be sure to include all your knowledge on the c
  6. Yea, it makes sense why someone might think it has 16 cores... but "threads" should have been the word used. Still, this thing will be a beast when the games developed actually take advantage of all of that. They will now and they won't have a choice. I wish they would have gone with at least 6 cores tho. you really aren't in the tech business are you? i tried to go along with your gimmick but you consistently display your lack of knowledge to an extent that I can no longer ignore. stfu n00b, you can't even get a job because you suck so much. You don't know jack shit loser.
  7. Yea, it makes sense why someone might think it has 16 cores... but "threads" should have been the word used. Still, this thing will be a beast when the games developed actually take advantage of all of that. They will now and they won't have a choice. I wish they would have gone with at least 6 cores tho. you really aren't in the tech business are you? i tried to go along with your gimmick but you consistently display your lack of knowledge to an extent that I can no longer ignore.
  8. 16 core cpu not 16 thread cpu 16 core cpu with 4 threads each is 64 threads lmao pretending that this still isn't amazing technology. rofl neither of you are very good at reading each core is capable of splitting its processes into 4 virtual cpus basically
  9. fucking asshole ive been looking for someone to play with for over a year http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/sad.gif
  10. It means that the Truth DOES get out early ( And IS getting out early ). But you'll never see it if you refuse to believe anything unless it's "Official" come on, how are you missing this. There are 7 billion people on earth. ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE could say ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING That's right. And according to you it's impossible for any of them to know anything early outside of "Official" channels Do you understand that these leaked specs both this gen and last are NOT guesses? am i getting baited? if so please just tell me so i can stop responding
  11. It means that the Truth DOES get out early ( And IS getting out early ). But you'll never see it if you refuse to believe anything unless it's "Official" come on, how are you missing this. There are 7 billion people on earth. ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE could say ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING
  12. its indeed VERY close to the (first) 360, but that doesn't mean anything at all... like literally zero... I could make one of those right now and say EXACTLY what you just said http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif
  13. They are rumours, you can't verify the validity of them. brah, even if he isn't trolling, you wont reach him I take it you don't believe any of this then? I'm not trolling. This is actually how console specs are discovered every gen. At the point when many developers have a hold of Next Gen Dev Kits, Rumors start filling with truth. it may be entirely true, but as it is a rumor it has no weight. NONE. ANY person in the entire world could have made that shit up. I guarantee you if i sat down, or even you if you keep it under 4 pages in 16 font, you could make up a pretty believa
  14. it just makes me lul when i see people verifying rumors because it makes sense to them... even if it turns out to be totally true, this whole thing is retarded. im gonna go lie down in the road
  15. They are rumours, you can't verify the validity of them. brah, even if he isn't trolling, you wont reach him
  16. im a big fan of that style of cpu, i just dont know that it will be efficient from a software standpoint. sure it might be great on power and the chip may be extremely capable, but if nobody can use it it really doesn't matter. I also wouldn't be surprised if they have a custom chip very similar to the PPCA2... unless this will be the first hardware that is literally just a computer with a proprietary bit of software
  17. This would explain why game's today look pretty lackluster on design. I bet developers aren't using 75% of 360/PS3 potential today with all that hardware potential the current consoles have. Back in the day developers use to have do graphic tricks to extra work out of the Genesis and Super Nintendo. The 3D and FPS games that came out on those consoles in their final years were developers working their ass off. Absolutely, fucking scorpion and sub zero only exist because of memory limitations http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif B
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