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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. joke's on you, there's always been a correlation between big foreheads with high intelligence, and small foreheads with simple thinkers. After your forehead grows a bit maybe you will understand the difference between a receded hairline and a big forehead :|D
  2. nah this one just started talking to me in class so i reciprocated. then she commented on my cigs or something and followed me outside after class to my next building and waited forty five minutes while we talked
  3. i dunno about that mine followed me around and hung out with my while i was just waiting for my next class then she gave me her number and made it obvious she liked me laughed at all my stupid shit, etc
  4. i can safely say it will take a very special girl for me to ever want another hispanic chick fucking psychos who arent worth the effort
  5. at least if they have a proper booty my ex was a flatchested flatbootied girl from el salvador and she could have been carved from marble my new asian gf is a cute little chub with a huge biteable ass and ill take a wrinkle or two over a featureless brown girl any day
  6. i'm not a fan of the broad in question but... if you are saying that when this bitch stands up, if she has a wrinkle in her butt, youw ouldnt massacre that? and thats just a plain white girl
  7. cellulite booty. you white boys do this all the time. i'm well versed in booty and i can tell you a couple wrinkles dont matter when your dick is poking their pancreas
  8. Ztom has a mental addiction to like 4 different people here lmfao Literally cannot control himself in his quest for approval
  9. Lol scrawny little chimp who can't lift his own ballet shoes trying to be scary
  10. ITT we find out Z actually takes this site seriously what a fucking loser lmfao this is more funny than adventure time on drugs. i give you 2 years before you finally finish what you promised and actually rid this world of your completely MEANINGLESS existence this somehow caused his latest meltdown
  11. Never thought I'd agree with this guy but this post was spot on. Shocking The only thing I remember lying about in the last year or so is that my gf was pregnant. Which was for you motherfuckers in the first place. I havent played dota in a week, i'm on sw less than an hour a day, and i havent done drugs in a month. Cute tho. you two should have baby chimps together
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