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CGC Here Be Fragons

System Warrior
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Everything posted by CGC Here Be Fragons

  1. it really doesn't. Are you all 12? :( we are simply unownable, dont be sad about it
  2. How can you miss someone you clearly don't know shit about? buh buh how can you has feelings for someone ;( some of us are actually friends here, we aren't all pathetic fucking weirdos with no future
  3. you're so sad you had to come here too. You made an entire thread for him
  4. fuck you. or is tom Z? either way, fuck you. yes, z is tomwarrior
  5. you know you are having a bad day when tom is making you look bad
  6. I cut them once a month, or before important dates. Or just whenever I feel they're getting practically too long. Why are we still talking about finger nails. even this is better than keyboard layout software wars
  7. That's not answering the question, that's mentioning the obvious. She probably thought you were a huge dumb ass no. everyone chuckled, thought it was a good point. I philosophically answered the question so stop being a bitch. lol you're such a bitch Z. you need friends. so have you never cut your hair either?
  8. There's grime under your nails. invest in antibacterial soap, a nail brush, and maybe a nail file (emory board) or dont be a fag chicks dig clean nails seriously i have never asked a girl out and had her check my nails before answering its always just an instant and resounding no
  9. There's grime under your nails. invest in antibacterial soap, a nail brush, and maybe a nail file (emory board) or dont be a fag
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