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Posts posted by Delita

  1. Finished up A Way Out. Was pretty much the best coop game of all time. Every set piece is completely unique with fresh gameplay mechanics with a storyline i found really engaging and a conclusion that felt like a gut punch of emotion. It feels like what would happen if you took the concept and structure for one of GTA5's heists and made it into a full fledged, alebit short game.


    and although certain conversations can seem out of place for that specific moment in the game, most of the the conversations are written in  a way that come off as very realistic and genuine.

  2. Cows what are the best PSP RPGS?

    Trails in the Sky

    Ys Seven

    Tactics Ogre

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

    Half-Minute Hero

    Dissidia Duodecim

    Crisis Core: FFVII


    Jeanne d'arc

    The 3rd Birthday

    Lunar: Silver Star Harmony

    Final Fantasy Tactics: WOTL

    Valkyria Chronicles II


    Persona 3 Portable

    add me on psn you jerk ;(i haven't signed on in almost a year. I dun really play games that much anymore

  3. why not play Nocturne or digital devil saga(both of which are on psn)? coming off smt iv it should be easy to jump right into those

    how story focused are those games? i bought SMT4 mainly because it was the closest to Persona in terms of story and characters. From what i understand the rest of the PS2 SMTs are light on the story and more focused on the gameplay (which is decent, but by itself not enough to keep me engaged in a 40+ hour long game).Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 is the most story focused smt there is after Persona 3/4. Nocturne on the other hand doesn't really have much story, though its a better game because of it


    I threw in the towel on smt iv. It's another factory manufactured modern-atlus turd. When you can get the previous installment which came out 10 years ago, and switch the numbers around between that game and smt iv, and it would make more sense, you know something is fucking wrong.


    what do you think of Soul Hackers? im considering getting it as my next SMT game

    Yeah, you should just stay away. SMT IV, to it's credit, that even though retains a very old-school stlye in terms of gameplay, still streamlines and modernizes aspects that remove some of the tedium that otherwise would be found in these sort of games. Soul Hackers is a 1998 game that looks and plays like a game from 1998, for better and worse. If you're cool with that, by all means....


    I didn't like soul hackers not beacause it was too dated, but because personally, it just really isn't anything special.

  5. SMTIV and my 3DS are going on eBay. This was the last thing I was interested in and it sucked. On its own merits, it's not completely terrible, as smt 4? It's a tragedy. It just shows how awful Atlus has become when this dumbed down phoned in sequel is the best they can do after 10 years for their bread and butter series. Half life 3 is coming out...and it's a corridor shooter with qtes, broken down into stages and it looks worse than half life 2.

    This has less in common with smt and more with Etrian Odyssey.

    Music sucks

    Art sucks

    Presentation is pathetic

    Gameplay is copy and pasted for the umpteenth time

    Dungeons are retarded with the look up/down mechanic, and the camera pulled in too close

    0 atmosphere


    Square Enix >>>> Fatlus

    Ps buy crimson shroud

  6. Smt 4 kinda blows. First of all the presentation is laughably cheap. 2d still portraits for cutscenes, menu selection for town navigation, and sprites for battles. I just can't Believe this is the latest game in this series when it does literally nothing better than 3 and in no way progresses the series, rather it regresses many aspects that 3 modernized

    The game is also so casualized in ways that smt has never been before. .tutorials up the ass, Leader death no longer results in a game over, party being wiped out sends you to a location where you can pay macca to instantly revive like new where you left off :| and you can now save anywhere

    Fuck atlus. Devil survivor 1 was the end of Altus golden age. Now there games are all Casualized middling junk.

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