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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Almost none of the games of last gen or this gen are going to ever reach those kind of values again. With the rise of digital, collecting has taken a massive plunge. Which is why i buy all my games digital nowadays since it isn't worth it buying physical anymore. You're not going to have a suikoden II or a panzer dragoon saga in your collection again. I used to be that person who would buy games over MSRP a few years later because there was literally no other way to play it since the publishers like Atlus only ever made a tiny amount for launch and that was it. Now days with digita
  2. California setting seems to always produce the best game in a open world franchise. GTA, Watch Dogs, Fallout etc. Watching the state of play makes me believe the trend will continue
  3. Anyone hear about this shit? Fuck, whatever respect I had for him (NONE) is gone now. Shit is in negative numbers now. This is too much cringe https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/26/john-cena-very-sorry-for-saying-taiwan-is-a-country John Cena ‘very sorry’ for saying Taiwan is a country Fast & Furious actor and wrestler apologises profusely on social media for offending Chinese fans
  4. DQ3 looks great but sheesh, the way they butchered one of my favorite Themes “unknown world” doesent give me confidence in the OST.
  5. Didn't you say the same shit about Miles Morales and how it was flopping? That turned out well didn't it Buy what again? I own the original and get a free upgrade when it releases and only have to buy the Expansion
  6. WTF are people even playing without a PS5? Certified AAA Banger Returnal this month, and a a double-header of Ratchet and Clank + FFVIII Integrade next month. Meanwhile we got slobs who payed 700 for video cards this year that will be 1/2 - 1/4 the price and outdated by the time anything actually worth playing comes out https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/biomutant-review-a-flawed-mutation/1900-6417678/ https://www.ign.com/articles/biomutant-review
  7. This franchise needs a 100 percent reboot going forward. Story, gameplay, world, characters, everything. It's so unsalvageable at this point. It's trying to be RE4 and RE7 and is fucking awful at being both. I've gotten 3/4 parts of Rose and i'm finding the lack of urge to complete it. The begining at castle dimitrescu up until the end of Benevetos mansion was pretty decent, but ever since then it's been just unfun and uninteresting. The last boss i fought with that big demon chasing you shooting acid rain was fucking abysmal. Returnal legit takes massive wet dumps all
  8. Add another year for when it will actually be in a playable state
  9. So Steam bans this guys games, which to be fair have some artistic merit and effort involved, but allows endless pedo animu shovelware and Cuckold Simulator: Life as DynamiteCop. That fat Goblin at Valve needs to die of a heart attack already
  10. Bruce Jenner becomes a Woman, Turns Republican.
  11. There's a story, a pretty good one that's well told, but there isn't much of it and is pretty straight forward. If you're expecting tons of dialogue, cutscenes and exposition dumps theres none of that. It's not any more 'just combat and dungeon crawling' than something like a souls game is (though it has way more story than that) but it's clear the focus is for you to get immersed in its world while leaving a lot of things left more to the imagination.
  12. That's only the last dungeon. The rest of the game was fantastic enough that the final part didn't really change my opinion on it much. Plus that's pretty par the course for most revered classic games that they end on a rather weak finale.
  13. 50 fucking dollars for a straight PS2 port. Atlus 03-09 was their peak. Now they're actors at a point in their career where they're old and simply don't give a fuck any more and just do easy work for pay checks, like Deniro, Bruce willis and harrison ford etc
  14. The Lakers were first in the West and 2nd in the league last season before covid hit one month before playoffs and were the clear favorites to win the championship by experts. If anything, this season is more of an outlier considering the Lakers had no time to rest after they won the championship and had to immediately return for another full season.
  15. From champs to first round exit. Lakers
  16. Resident Evil Village - 6 Returnal - 8 Pokemon Snap - 8 Oddworld - 5 Famicom Detective Club - 5 R-Type Final 2 - 7 Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7 Tasomachi: Behind the Twilight - 6 MaskMaker - 7 World of Demons - 6 Ashwalkers - 4 "RE Village has GOTY written all over it." RETURNAL GOTY
  17. Failed to download R CODE. Now I know why I never bother with betas
  18. This would be The only actually satisfying conclusion to this “fight”
  19. Wtf is this WWE shit Floyd needs to drop the hair plugs. Fuck he looks ridiculous
  20. Everyone knows every console is maxed in the first 6 months.
  21. You don't get permanently stronger. This is a rouglelike without any rpg elements what so ever. No XP, no LVL bars to fill, no crafting new weapons. Each run starts you off with just a pistol. The only thing permanent is any new ability (which are super rare) the game gives you through story progression . It's more reliant on you simply getting good and taking the time to find good loot in the 10-15 areas before the boss that you think will help you take down the boss when you get there in that run. If you defeat the area boss in that run, he stays dead permanently. Die and its com
  22. You've either only played arcade games all your life or started gaming on 360. Almost all the best console japanese franchises pre 360 had extremely sparse saving. Final Fantasy and the majority of jrpgs, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden. Even souls is praised for being unforgiving when it's doing the same thing Japanese developers have done since the beginning. It wasn't till western PC crud invaded consoles where people started getting adjusted to quick and auto saves.
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