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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Same age but skinny, yet looks even older so idk
  2. This is Fake news. Myself, smoothhands and i think David P hyped it and bought it on release day and praised it, while you bought it on a bargain bin much later. https://systemwars.net/bb/topic/58259-fall-season-rpg-playthrough-thread/page/5/?tab=comments#comment-1966307
  3. You ever play The Last Remnant Ramza? While not having the saga name it’s still considered one by fans since it’s from the same creators and carries a lot of similar series traits. Amazing game and imo the best SaGa game ever
  4. So my dumbass bought it like I’ve done with tons of SaGa games in my life and I swear my experience for every single one always goes the same. Started off with Emellia since she was my fav in the og. Great intro, love the music, art and premise. Gameplay is fun an exciting. Then it starts adding layers and layers of seemingly arbitrary bullshit to the gameplay, you’re literally lost on what to do in the game and why you’re doing no damage and enemies wipe you out in 1 hit. Its just always been impossible to play without some sort of guide. The 2nd one was al
  5. The more I see of this release the more I feel like it’s pointless and they should have just re released the original. The art style is worse, the music sounds fine but the original is clearly much better (especially that shadowlord track), and the re recorded lines like in that trailer seriously suck compared to the original Laura Bailey performance back in the 2010 version. And the fact it’s the Replicant version instead of Gestalht makes it inferior by default. Only thing I see be being better is the performance and technical graphics but not by very much from what I’ve seen.
  6. This was seriously awful. A bunch of washed up rappers, some other terrible artists I’ve never heard of, Justin Bieber, bitchslap contest with 2 lard asses and bumfight quality boxing with drunk/high commentators who were so dreadful it made me mute it. There was also some ‘comedian’ the program kept shoehorning in who was absolutely unbearable to listen to. I was at least 20 years too old to enjoy any of this shit
  7. Worst shit I’ve seen in a long time.
  8. That sounds exactly as I remember lmfao. Not sure how you ever expected any different.
  9. Who the fuck gives a shit about the story The developer is known for creating games with great gameplay. I wouldn’t even know wtf if any story there was in any of their past games.
  10. Same. I remember the whole Terri schaivo saga and its something i sure as hell wouldnt want for my last days be remembered of being put on display in a vegetative state for YEARS.
  11. RIP https://pitchfork.com/news/dmx-has-died-at-50/? He was brain dead for a week straight and this morning his liver and other organs finally all failed.
  12. Most likely to coincide with the HBO series. Jim Ryan is a fucking cuck and will sink SIE at this rate. I haven't seen someone this out of touch running things sicne Ken Kutaragi
  13. God the first one was always such shit. The 2 combat systems was ass and the dialogue was never ending and amounted to pure verbal diarrhea. Great soundtrack though I can’t see this one being any worse
  14. I feel like each year Nintendo gives less of a shit of Switch's online service (if that even is possible).
  15. My Oculus Quest 2 came in today and so far i tried Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, and Half-Life Alyx I only tried a few mins of Half-life Alyx since i need to tinker with some viewpoint settings since default prespective seems to be from the height of a midget (aka ghostz mode) but what I've played is pretty fucking ridiculous. I'm going in blind and just being able to pick up every little item is seriously mindblowing. The facebook stuff is pretty stupid but it didn't really bother me since I've never had a facebook account and just created a random fake one pretty easily.
  16. I liked it but the ending was bad. Really don't know what they were thinking with that.
  17. Yeah. That's guaranteed significant brain damage if not completely brain dead if he was deprived of oxygen for 30 mins
  18. How long this dude been a junkie? SMH. I'm shocked he's made it this long. Lil wayne probably next https://www.tmz.com/2021/04/03/dmx-suffers-od-overdose-hospital-grave-condition/
  19. oh lawd. For their sake they better hope they got permission from Capcom before they decided to reuse Okami's assets
  20. Dead weight when they developed 2 AAAes internally on PS4 (TLG, Gravity Rush 2) Sure they didn't sell, but Media Molecule games don't either yet Sony is still giving them money
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