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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. it was terrible. I was there 3 weeks ago. It's so bad that some hotels on the strip have already started to restrict all forms of smoking to outside in designated areas rather than anywhere inside the actual Hotel and casino like it's always been for cigarettes/vaping. Theres something about marijuana smoke that's so potent and far reaching compared to cigarette smell where it's impossible to contain. If it was just in the casino i'd be ehh whatever, but when the rooms start smelling even in "non-smoking" sections something really needs to be done.
  2. W(B)est Coast, USA *laughs* It's only been legal for a few years and already it feels as normal as seeing someone smoking a cigarette. Las Vegas was the biggest change for me. Gone is the stench of cigarettes and booze instead replaced with weed smell, everywhere. Even in your hotel room. It's pretty fucking awful tbh.
  3. "summer" 2022 holy shit. over a year delay. Just cancel this TRASH
  4. https://kotaku.com/halo-infinite-delayed-to-2022-1846594237?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=dlvrit&utm_content=kotaku
  5. Every year it's something new and awful with kids and social media. I did a lot of dumb shit at that age but nothing even close to this or eating tide pods. This is natural selection at work. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9419133/Colorado-boy-12-left-brain-dead-lost-consciousness-TikTok-Blackout-Challenge.html Colorado boy, 12, is left brain dead after using a shoelace to choke himself until he lost consciousness in TikTok 'Blackout Challenge' Joshua Haileyesus was found in the bathroom by his brother on March 22 His family believe he may have been usi
  6. It's fucking stupid and a complete money grab. My desk is a horrific mess having micro usb cable to charge my PS4 controller, a USB-c cable to charge my PS5 controller, and Mini-usb cable to charge my move controllers. Apple has been doing the same shit changing everything to USB-C, and just when everyone starts to conform to USB-C, they'll create some new bullshit to gouge people
  7. Yeah, he's completely wrong. It happens all the time. I've seen plenty of documentaries of inmates who are middle age who've been locked up since they were early teens, even some as young as 12. Guy went on how he never had a job, driven a car etc and he was in his late 40s for a double homicide.
  8. I'm trying. But i have to cover them with nacho cheese and sour cream to taste good
  9. Depending on where you start the game, the shortest path leading to the next character on the map should scale to what you currently are. Just go to the closest town with that character that's your level and repeat for each new character. As you gain new characters, you'll open up new chapters for the characters who've joined your party previously. At first it seems like it's open ended, but it's really not.
  10. This reminds me when Tal said that excersizing for weight loss doesn't work because it just makes you more hungry
  11. I've binged on sraight garbage almost every day for the past week to see what it feels like since I've lost so much weight over the past year, i'm talking about all you can eat buffets, pizza and chips,nachos, burgers, ice cream, cookies, cake etc. God damn it feels good and horrible at the same time. I notice i feel so damn lazy every day, obese-style hard breathing, and generally feeling like my asshole is being ripped apart when i take a dump. I have no idea how body builders eat these ridiculous daily meals and don't feel any sort of pain for what must feel like to them giv
  12. Monster Hunter without multiplayer
  13. I downloaded and played all of them over the past few days which sparked this thread
  14. After plugging my PSVR back up i was quickly reminded how amazing VR is when used correctly and i'ts made me become a certified #VRFagot once again. I was looking at the Valve index but fuck me i'm not looking to spend a G on a VR device i was looking at the Oculus Quest 2. Only issue i see is having to create a FagBook account and DL some software to use it on PC. I have a gaming VR ready gaming PC so specs aren't an issue.
  15. Fake. I expect a gofundme for her to be set up soon, make a shit ton while both of them laugh at how easy it is to work the system.
  16. It's there so someone on your friends list with an extensive list of games can't just turn on the feature and let their buddy play every game on there playstation for free since it works on single player only games as well and give you all access to their library LMFAO praising a dumbed down gimped feature that only lets you use it on games valve allows you to
  17. Who cares lmfao. When you get a notififcation theres 5 mins left on shareplay, pause the game and restart shareplay for another hour of gametime. Takes less than min and less than your average gaming session piss break
  18. Every single game. I've played a shitload of games using it. Just recently i played Cuphead online coop on PS4 since it has no online mode on any platform.
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