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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. But this isn't surprising tbh. A Way Out was a fantastic coop game
  2. Believe me i know that feeling. I stop being physically active for like a month and i start gaining some love handles that become a bitch to get rid of to the point where I have to become almost entirely vegan.
  3. Octoparth Traveler (PC) Crash Bandicoot 4 (PS5) Bowsers Fury (Switch) Nioh 2 Remastered (PS5) Persona 5 strikers (PC) Switching back and forth between those, though i would say Octopath is taking most of my free time mostly atm.
  4. Nah, that’s not new. That was on the ps2 re release when they couldn’t use Dante anymore.
  5. Yeah but You're doing yourself a disservice by supporting such a low quality effort. So it's really a double edged sword. Plus the PS2 emulator already runs it at 4K 60 fps i believe. I'm betting they're banking on since it's been so long and Persona gained a massive amount of fans, that they can pass this off as a new game for those people since the majority of the fanbase never played it. I wouldn't mind playing it again since it's been so long but no fucking way at 50. That's the same price i paid back when it was brand new. The part that gets me is that they said th
  6. I'm 6 foot 7, 250lbs and bench press 295 lbs jk But seriously over the past year i've managed to have a lot more free time and have started to work out a lot more than usual. I'm about 6 1/2 feet and was at around 178-180 lbs when covid started a year ago but have managed to get down to about 162lbs as of this morning with more consistent regular workouts. Weight has never been much of an issue most of my life since i developed early in my childhood to eat healthy and stay active/play sports and avoid eating garbage or at least no more than just a ti
  7. Garbage remaster. Literally the same game in higher res with no additions. Still has the same low bitrate soundtrack. The only addition is full voice acting in which it's pointless since the game was perfect without voice acting. And theres only like 30 mins of cutscenes anyway (if that). All for 50 fucking dollars get fucking real. Yeah just switch the numbers of both games and it'd be more accurate. It was the equivalent of a DMC1 -> DMC2 level downgrade
  8. Any hidden gems within the past 2-3 years? I've had a PSVR since launch but only ever bought a few games around launch and launch window ish. I own Until Dawn: Rush of Blood Astro Bot Resident Evil 7 Farpoint (with aim controller) Rez infinite Sports Bar VR Battlezone I think that's all of it. I'm sure i've missed out on some quality games With the announcement of PSVR2 it made me pull my PSVR out of the closet and hook it back up.
  9. Much better than the fucking move controllers
  10. Nothing makes My penis go flaccid more than "randomly generated levels". Almost as much as "rougelike". Shame. They're a great dev who've made awesome games.
  11. wtf? I just started playing this yesterday too. Pretty decent game so far
  12. If this was around in the 90s it would have been used to death in every single music video.
  13. Even better if you got a squad you play with. The heist missions with 3 friends is sublime
  14. I’m much further in the game before I stopped but that’s the only trial and error one I remember. That’s definitely one of the games flaws, though not game breaking. Most of the games puzzles range from ok to decent, but man there’s some real stinkers in there.
  15. I still have no idea if this game is legit just poorly designed or I’m just a low iq retard to understand it. Truthfully The answer is probably somewhere in between. It always seems like i inevitably end up completely lost in each characters campaign. Great game up until that point though.
  16. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/03/atlus_wants_to_know_what_games_you_want_ported_to_switch
  17. Kinda how i feel about the gameplay. It's fun but i feel like it could be a lot more if they make it more action rather than dynasty warriors-inspired. i say inspired because saying its full DW is selling it short. It does enough to differentiate than being a DW clone but i wish it was more Yakuza style or something rather than 50 enemies at once
  18. Game is surprisingly great. I just beat Alice. I ended up changing from hard to normal since the bosses were too damage spongey on hard
  19. Man this game gets hard quickly. I’m still on the first jail with the difficulty on hard. I was breezing through it but I just met a glowing white strong enemy that raped my whole party
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