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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Stuff like this makes me glad i quit smoking for good 3 years ago. I know the guy went off the rails a long time ago but it seemed like he finally got his life in order not too long ago. Shame. Last i saw Lisa is doing pretty awful as well. The career trajectory of Slater and Zack vs everyone else is honestly surprising.
  2. He’s STILL on the election fraud bullshit? Mentally competent my ass.This guy has serious mental issues. After Melania divorces him I can see him becoming a Howard Hughes type of recluse where he watches Fox News all day every day in his room without leaving, peeing in Diet Coke bottles, organizing trash by size and shape all while going over in his head how he was robbed of the election till he eventually dies
  3. He’s been phoning it ever since after SH4. His name still carries weight but I don’t expect anything noteworthy from him anymore
  4. I just started and made it up to the front door of niwa. It’s pretty interesting so far. Also the main character talks way too much
  5. I honestly didn't think they could sink lower than having a reality TV show actor as President but now they've elected a racist Karen who's drank the Qannon and Alex Jones kool-aid and fully embraced it. As bad as Trump was, people like this and, Lauren Boebert and Amy coney barret show me Trump wasn't even the party's final form. You have legit psychos being elected into office who've made death threats online to other people in office What was once viewed as a respectable and honorable career has been turned into a spectacle worthy of embarrassment to be associated with thanks t
  6. Episode 4 felt like a marvel movie rather than a tv sitcom like the first 3. I’m wondering how much more they’re going to continue to meander in the TV sitcom world since at the very least I know there’s still at least an 80s themed episode going by the promo trailer.
  7. Are people really making a big deal about WandaVision? It seems that most places I’ve seen have people who enjoy it but aren’t really showering it with any serious praise yet. I think it’s interesting so far but I wouldn’t really consider it great until I know just wtf is even going on.
  8. Immortals is a great game dragged down by ubi's shitty MTX practices. It takes forever to level up anything because they want you to buy XP on their store. awful.
  9. I honestly feel they’re being way too optimistic here. I have no doubt they’ll reach or even crush their goal of producing and distributing the amount necessary. The problem is going to be having dumbasses actually take the vaccine. I’m convinced at least 50% are dead set on never getting the shot(s).
  10. In a sign of how worthless Republicans are, look no further. It was always a far cry but 45 total republicans is shameful. So basically you can't go to trial with a sitting president, and when he's gone it's unconstitutional because he's no longer there. Good to know the president is above the law https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9189847/45-Republican-senators-vote-Trump-trial-illegal-sign-vote-acquit.html A majority of Republicans voted Tuesday that Donald Trump's second impeachment is unconstitutional It's a sign the former president will
  11. Well duh. Its why Karens exist. They've lived a life full of entitlement that people of color could only dream of. Being a young white attractive female especially is like playing god mode when it comes to the justice system.
  12. Whoomp there it is https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/atelier-ryza-2-lost-legends-the-secret-fairy I haven't played an Atelier since Rorona on PS3 but im fixin to cop this.
  13. Honestly theres something disturbingly wrong with both of them. Kellyanne needs no explanation, and her daughter likely for being the daughter of that witch
  14. I don’t remember very much but it was great. It’s pretty amazing what they were able to achieve with such a tiny budget and constant reuses of content
  15. She’s going to Fox News. To the surprise of no one. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/kayleigh-mcenanys-personal-financial-disclosure/
  16. 200 kids in Portland breaking shit at the current moment isn’t important for Biden to pay attention to, yes. Especially when local authorities can easily take care of it. He’s focused on COVID relief which is still the nations #1 issue. 100 mil About to be reached? They failed miserably with their projected targets in December with no clear direction in terms of distribution
  17. Apparently COVID is now deemed political and should only be talked about in politics club. LOCK
  18. Maybe because they’re knee deep in shit a million times more important especially the COVID situation which they’re having to start from scratch
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