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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Just a bunch of worthless high school age Zoomers with nothing better to do and looking for any excuse to riot. They don’t even care about politics.
  2. Damn. He was always one of those people that seem like they would live forever. RIP
  3. Damn. Literally the only thing Trump was good at, and Joe is even better. Trump is such a beta
  4. He must be raging not being able to get an input on any news that’s been released about him. I’m still wondering how he’ll come back. He’s not going away. Hes like a kardashian and needs attention like people need water
  5. Didn’t really care for it but i don’t like RE
  6. Being condescending and passive aggressive to journalists simply doing their job and being a mouthpiece gladly repeating the lies of a world recognized criminal, for a paycheck and fame, who just lead a failed insurrection that killed 5 people and gave no fucks while 400k people died. But being sexist to her lmao
  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9164827/amp/Kayleigh-McEnany-spends-day-face-Trumps-administration-running-errands-Tampa.html “brains and beauty” tough break bitch. There’s always only fans
  8. Wasn’t Pence in charge of the task force as well? Like What the fuck were all these people even doing all year.
  9. I thought the whole inauguration was amazingly well done for what it is. I couldn’t believe how jarring it felt to see a president speak professionally and like an adult again. Contrast that to what Bush jr. said of Trumps inauguration speech saying “that was some weird shit” except we got 4 years of that. Its also amazingly sad that in Biden’s first speech he did more to honor the lives of COVID victims than trump did in almost a year. I don’t think Biden will be able to fully deliver, not with the dumpster fire Trump has left him. but at least he’s given me a semblanc
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9166361/Donald-Trump-decides-pardon-Steve-Bannon.html AND NONE OF THE TERRORISTS WHO STORMED THE CAPITOL Imagine pardoning lil Wayne over people who supported you with their lives Although Trump isn’t listed, that dick stain 100% pardoned himself, his family, and Guliani. Guaranteed. As has been reported by news outlets, don’t trust any list as final. The law states pardons can be kept entirely secret until they’re attempting to charge or have been charged and then it’s revealed
  11. Fucking lmfao That Lindsay graham tweet just keeps coming back to bite him in the ass
  12. Neither is Kevin McCarthy, trumps last high ranking cuck supporter, who’s going to Biden’s inaugural instead That makes Pence, Mitch, McCarthy and Lindsay graham all going to Biden inauguration over trumps thing.
  13. I’m just shocked his average approval rating is still that high. Did this guy even have one non awful month? It’s felt like every week was just something new with this guy. Then you have conservative boot lickers like Ben Shapiro giving his presidency a B while Obama was an F. LMFAO
  14. I really don’t understand why people are only now playing it and ignored it during launch except for me and twinblade
  15. Lmfao i can’t believe there’s a legit worse president than bush jr yet here we are. Trump is easily worst of all time
  16. I think twinblade is a good dude but his political views alway disappoint me
  17. Pretty good but i honestly don't see much new here from what I played. Only tried the first hunt though
  18. 4 accounts all banned now realDonaldTrump POTUS Team_Trump (campaign account) Gary Coby This is pathetic
  19. That didn’t take long. He logged onto his POTUS account instead of his personal one and they banned that one too how many more does he have? At what point will we reach the copy and paste his messages from discord/steam phase from one of his butt buddies not banned on Twitter?
  20. He really is a SW poster lmfao. Now I expect him to come back soon with a bandodging account and something stupid like DonaldJTrump_1
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