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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. It’s sad that this is exactly how the people predicted the final days of Trump would look like when you asked anyone who wasn’t licking this sad sack of shits anus.
  2. That’s pretty ridiculous. California is a massive state. As liberal as it is, there are way more republicans here than most red states. While the state is not doing too great the legit “hot spots” are located in the LA metro area and the Central Valley. No state is some liberal or conservative utopia. The country is freakin purple
  3. So after all the bullshit this fucker has done, he’s going to just walk away by pardoning himself or have Pence pardon him within the next 2 weeks isn’t he? I know he has that NY state Tax charges they are going to hit him with, but the fact that everything else he’s done especially this week can be just completely swept under the rug is a disgrace
  4. Trump family and friends celebrating the rioting and destruction of the capital. Arrest these motherfuckers
  5. I just imagined people like Bill Barr who hasent even been gone a month had already gone past the point of no return in terms of salvaging and have drank the cool aid a long with Ted Cruz. To see him even say anything is laughable. Who’s next, Rudy? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2021/jan/07/joe-biden-donald-trump-mike-pence-capitol-congress-us-election-coronavirus-live-updates
  6. I’m seeing a number of former Trump aides criticizing the president over this like Bill fucking Barr. Are they fucking serious? They helped get things to this point and now when they’re not apart of the admin, NOW he’s crossed a line? Fuck every last one of these pieces of shit
  7. Here we go. Only now when it’s Democrats does this become an issue. Reminds me of the debt which I hadn’t heard one word about in the past 5 years but now it’s being brought up, and will become a regular talking point again on conservative media
  8. Honestly I’d throw ps3 in there as well lmfao
  9. That’s the way the game is. I skimmed through it and wow, they’re really trying to copy silent hill 2 aren’t they? That scene with the girl sitting down on the counter, or the scene where it’s blocked off with bars with a flashlight on the floor are almost 1:1 sh2. Even the little girls personality seems the same though I have vague memories of it now.
  10. God this demo is such shit. Every Ys after 7 is garbage. Noob Ys/Falcom fans
  11. Amazing game. Easily the best combat in a open world action adventure game. Coop Multiplayer kicks ass too
  12. Party of CUCKS I’ve never seen so many people willingly bend over and grab their ankles for one guy. Fucking Ted Cruz leading the charge
  13. Wow I just finished it and the amount of incoherent verbal diarrhea is unbelievable. That video would make a good PSA for school kids showcasing “this is your brain on drugs”.
  14. Just started listening to the full audio. In some hell they would have me have to work with this complete and utter moron. Can’t imagine the shit NATO and Democrats dealt with trying to talk to this incoherent sack of shit.
  15. I’m just wondering how much longer they can keep this up. I didn’t think the concept would be good enough for 1 entire season before I watched it and yet I’m surprised how they’ve managed to deliver consistently. I’d say go out on top with maybe another season or 2 if they have the story for it. As amazing as the wire was, season 5 showed that the series had completely run out of gas and brings the show down a slight bit.
  16. I’m honestly so sick of this fuckers shit already. Dude needs to just go away and die already. At least half know he’s trying to illegally steal an election, they just don’t care if it means he’ll stay. So they’ll continue to put on the charade.
  17. The thing that always got me as a kid was the final shot on the roller coaster is so obviously Six Flags magic mountain in Southern California only with cgi water over the parking lot lmfao Great show though
  18. How long does that take? I’ve played it twice and both times I’ve thought it’s just ok. Game feels like eating at chipotle; not great, not terrible.
  19. Ridiculous. Basically paying himself to go on vacation. He wanted to throw a big tax payer funded New Year’s Eve party at his mar a lago club, which all the money would go to him. And on top of that, he was going to charge 1000 a person for entrance. How the fuck is that even legal? Although it might have flopped since he apparently canceled it and is back at the White House.
  20. Also apparently he gifted 2 houses to some random chic in LA a month ago. Trump fans are such fucking simps. Jesus
  21. Looks like what I imagine Tranik’s high school photo looks like. it seems like he blew himself up, killed no one, and only disrupted internet for people in the area for a day? Nothing of value was lost. if anything it’s beneficial for them to learn from this so in the future to better prepare for something like this.
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