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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Snorting coke off some hot hookers ass was basically me in my 20s. Whoever stole you’re info is a BOSS. Hope everything turns out well but damn whoever that was is a G
  2. Jesus. You're pretty much set for like the first 6 months of next year. Immortals and Yakuza are fucking long ass games, and I'm sure Cyberpunk is too.
  3. Seems they have some one/people of interest in custody As of this morning. What’s the odds they’re radicalized trump fagots? I imagine it’s just a matter of time till we get pictures of some scrawny white loser with pictures jerking off to guns, holding confederate flags, manifestos etc. They used an RV ffs lmfao https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9088979/FBI-investigates-Nashville-bomber-tried-target-cops-blast.html 40am on Christmas morning The blast injured three people and caused massive damage Cops had been called to
  4. Hopefully it bankrupts them and they go out of buisness
  5. People are going through some serious mental gymnastics to cope with the fact the game is also a janky bug filled piece of shit on PC by pretending it's not true and claiming fake news when there's thousands of videos on youtube streamers playing on PC and the game just being an absolute mess. Real developers hold themselves to a higher standard then to release clearly broken shit like this. This whole ordeal with CDPR and it's legion of simps fanbase is no different than Trump and it's fanbase of cucks.
  6. Dominion suing the Trump administration, Guliani, Sidney powel, newsmax and OAN. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9081035/Dominion-Voting-Systems-SUES-Trump-campaign-Rudy-Giuliani-Sidney-Powell-OANN-Newsmax.html
  7. Dude i fucking loved the original. I had the VHS and watched it a million times. I can't wait for the babershop scene
  8. Thats actually a really good summary. When i first played Demons Souls on PS3, first thing it felt like to me was that it took very minor influence from rougelikes. Not exactly the procederual generation aspects of it, but the design of game progression. Where it's either 2-1, 3-2 or any map or whatever, it's very difficult you're first time getting through it, but each subsequent attempt and the farther you get, the easier it becomes in subsequent attempts . Either by defeating the mini-boss in the way that's now gone, opening up a shortcut, finding better gear or going back to the nex
  9. The best part is watching right wing cuntrags spend weeks claiming the mainstream media that isn’t up trumps asshole is trying to bury the election fraud story or they’re refusing to cover it. Yeah, because it’s always been horse shit and now the stations that fed into Trumps bullshit are presented with legal consequences and they’re running scared knowing they’ve been caught spreading fake news. Lmfao This is all just *chefs kiss*
  10. I really would like to know what was the game/games that made this shit so popular. It's like western developers just found out some perceived "new" form of gameplay, yet its existed for ages and now everywhere i look tons of games use this shit, and horribly. It's been raped the past 2-3 gens almost as much as Metroidvania. I'm thinking it was Souls franchise that introduced it to mainstream western developers.
  11. Literally can’t make this shit up even if you tried. The same people who’ve been downplaying the entire pandemic and the party that convinced the cum stains on this forum like Cocke that it’s one giant hoax , used their privelage to be the first to become vaccinated over health care workers and people who actually need it. look up CUCK in the dictionary and you’ll see the GOP voter
  12. BBC was reporting on this game flopping too. I don't think i've ever seen a game flop so hard where even the mainstream media is reporting how shit the game is
  13. 2nd one really wasn't all that good tbh. I just remember the bosses being unmemorable compared to the first, and the story being less engaging. What i thought was leading to a big pay off narratively in those 'Memento' style phone conversations the story would flash to, ended up being a wet fart in the end. Solid game, but not great.
  14. Damn that does look dope. We’re getting one in SoCal and it’s being built already. thank god it’s still at least 2 years away because that’s about time I’d probably feel happy returning to a theme park
  15. Add Fagout 76 to the dumpster fire https://www.google.com/amp/s/screenrant.com/fallout-76-beta-exclusive-xbox-one/amp/
  16. Classic GSSW would have gone completely ape shit and broke their site with traffic with how badly this has flopped.
  17. Best Buy now accepting all physical copies of CyberFlunk for returns millions of copies of this steaming pile about to be crushed and buried in a desert somewhere
  18. Jesus, he needs to just hang it up already. Does he just have nothing else going for him in his life in terms of business ventures?
  19. What a disaster. Haven’t some people already finished it here even, like Mr. Impossible? Some of y’all bout to get all your money back and not look back https://www.playstation.com/en-us/cyberpunk-2077-refunds/
  20. Talk about fucking clueless lmfao. It reminds me of when some Republican shit stain posted on Twitter saying it’s strange how only people from the GOP are contracting COVID. I WONDER WHY THAT IS
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