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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Remember though, he's mentally fit but Biden isn't. Jill Biden having a typo in a letter makes her barely literate, while the presidents million tweets of incoherent ramblings and mispellings are all perfectly normal.
  2. LMFAO I'm convinced hes never had any idea how anything involving the election process works. Even when he won the first time, he just saw more numbers for him and him winning on Fox news but understood none of it. It's no wonder how former advisors said in order for Trump to even read briefings it had to be on 1 page, in bullet points, and there had to be pictures on the page. Also, PLEASE let this happen, and please live stream when they have to drag his ass out https://news.yahoo.com/trump-reportedly-convinced-actually-
  3. Even if you take those out of the equation PS4 still had 2 other AAAAEs(FFVII and P5 Royal), 1 AAAE (13 sentinels) and PS5 just launched with another AAAe
  4. All that shit to play Cyberjunk, Dirt 5 then wait and hope for console ports. What a fucking waste of money. Jesus
  5. The movie sort of felt like to me where they made and came up with all the action set pieces first, then tried to find a way to piece those all together in a story. It’s all over the place and gets even more and more disjointed by the end where it’s basically a full on war in the middle of nowhere. Kind of like Nolan thought just more about how cool his new trick would look during action scenes but not really taking the time writing something compelling narratively in the plot.
  6. Finally saw TENET. Good, but disappointing. I'm just surprised how basic the concept was in the movie. I expected some crazy shit with the idea of reversing time but it ended up being a relatively straight forward film by Nolan standards with not much in the way of surprises.
  7. Resigns my ass. His ass was fired just like everyone else in the administration. How the fuck do people continue to lick this dudes sack blindly as evidence has showed that when you stop doing illegal shit for him or not blindly follow him he'll stab you right in the back. Fucking morons
  8. The similarities between this game and Fable 1 is pretty hilarious
  9. Immortals Fenyx Rising is turning out to be a sleeper hit for me. I’m really enjoying it way more than I thought I ever would. It’s also honestly refreshing to play something that doesent take itself seriously at all.
  10. No NPC Day/Night cycle. NPCs spawn and despawn outside of the player's view. If an NPC is doing an action, they will do that action forever until the player moves. NPCs that are not story/side quest related have one dialog reply. If one NPC is assaulted, every other NPC in a large circle around the player will crouch to the floor in the same animation, even if they did not see the original assault. NPCs in a car will follow a specific route. If the route is even slightly interupted, for example by your car, they will cease to move forever
  11. I have too many games i'm playing at the moment to try that out any time soon but i want to. Still haven't even gotten around to Yakuza like a dragon
  12. Look at the tears pouring in have fun looking at and customizing your tranny dick in the game fag Don't ever insult Heavensward by listing it next to this flop
  13. It transcends gens and is the biggest flop in 2 different gens. Definitely biggest flop of all time candidate at the very least
  14. She individually reviewed Cyberpunk and thought it sucked. GOTY nominees are voted by GS as a whole and they all unanimously thought it sucked. It just came out and were even still in the honeymoon period where massively hyped games get way more praise and recognition than they deserve ffs
  15. 7 years of hype, dozens of best of E3 and other show awards, people spending 1000s of dollars to upgrade their PC, comes out and flops massively and doesen't even get a GOTY nomination. This game will be forgotten before the end of the month.
  16. PlayStation 5 hasn’t even been out a month and already it’s dropping GOTY caliber exclusives
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