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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Delita

    LMAO consoles

    It’s like Substatic thinks it’s still 2004 lmfao
  2. Throw in that Bud Light console and that’d make a perfect list for a special olympics version of TGA
  3. He also told his supporters at his Klan rally yesterday to go out and vote June 5th for the Georgia senate even though it’s next month in January. Totally mentally fit as president
  4. Rudy got COVID The White House has more people catching diseases than a brothel in some 3rd world shithole
  5. Delita

    LMAO consoles

    All his posts are filled to the brim with “teenage girl-level insecurity” about spending ridiculous amounts of money on PeeCee crap that he needs constant reassurance on this forum with cherry picked comparisons like this over a game no one gives a shit about but him that makes him feel better about himself. All while clinging on to some year old VR game and begging for console scraps. Sounds like money well spent LMFAO
  6. Delita

    LMAO consoles

    Clearly it has nothing to do with the shit developer responsible for the those versions
  7. Ghost of Tsushima or TLOU2. I haven’t played Hades, but the rest of those games on that list are a joke for GOTY
  8. We a corrupt 3rd world shithole now brehs. Thanks republifucks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9021537/Trump-CALLS-Georgia-Gov-Brian-Kemp-pressure-help-overturn-Bidens-win.html The president contacted the Republican governor Saturday morning asking that he call a special session of the state legislature to overturn the election result and appoint electoral college voters that will back him instead of President-elect Biden. .
  9. These fucking people have no shame. Biden should offer her a job to clean the White House’s toilets https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9019791/Kellyanne-Conway-admits-Joe-Biden-won-Donald-Trump.html Kellyanne Conway acknowledged Joe Biden won the presidential election She is one of the most prominent Donald Trump supporters to do so 'The president wants to exhaust all of his legal avenues, as he has made clear many times. His team is doing that, and that is his right,' Conway told The 19th 'If you look at the vote totals in the Electoral Coll
  10. 4 excellent games, but do you ever buy anything that isn’t months/years old?
  11. I really don’t see how this can be considered bad news. It’s not like the team working on the last few dragon ages were bursting with talent and creativity lmfao
  12. I know it reads that way, but I really wasn’t insinuating that pricing had anything to do with theatres losing business, rather there exists a large segment of people that have been waiting for theatres demise and for studios to shift to streaming platforms. This news has been met so far with tons of excitement from consumers who at the same time enjoy seeing theatre chains suffer massively, myself included. That is what I was getting at when I said they brought this on themselves
  13. Also likely The Batman. About time theatres started dying off. They did this to themselves with their ridiculous pricing. https://www.indiewire.com/2020/12/dune-matrix-all-warner-bros-films-hbo-max-1234602168/
  14. At this rate he’ll be on the knicks within 2 years. I can’t think of a better more fitting match than the knicks and westfuck
  15. Does SNL even need to do a sketch for this? At this point I’m convinced this is all an act of performance art by Guliani and his team.
  16. Michael Cohen under oath pretty much layed it all out that Trump operates like a mob boss (a shitty one at that). Considering what we’ve seen from him especially the shit he’s pulling with this election amongst even his own party, it’s really not hard to believe he tried to shakedown Ukraine by witholding aid unless they can provide dirt on Biden, amongst who knows what other world leaders and other methods.
  17. Aren’t those just empty display boxes lmao
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