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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Attacking GOP governors for certifying the states votes for Biden and not jointing the corrupt plot to help him steal the election But fuck it, go nuts. Republicans have their work cut out for themselves to make their base come out to vote after the president has been non stop trashing the election process https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/trump-attacks-gop-governors-retweets-why-bother-voting-for-republicans-1.9339923 Trump Attacks GOP Governors, Retweets 'Why Bother Voting for Republicans'
  2. Game is a legit banger. Only downside is it’s length but there’s still a lot of side quests that I didn’t do that honestly at times feel like main quests. I’m Gonna get the plat on this
  3. LMFAO Imagine how fucking bad of a president you have to be to be a 1 term president who was impeached in a presidency knee deep in corruption, arrests and scandals that his advisors would urge him to look into pardoning his associates, family and himself in the end. worst president of all time. Sad part is even his base is admitting they believe his administration likely did illegal shit and are trying to look out for him https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9003387/Sean-Hannity-says-Trump-pardon-family-save-witch-hunt.html Fox News host Se
  4. ^that sounds about right. It’s also one of the most non linear games ever created. So much so you might need a guide at one point. The entire world is open right from the start and if you’re not paying close attention you’ll quickly find yourself completely lost on where to go, what to do, or even how to do combat. it’s awesome though, but an acquired taste. No hand holding bullshit, no exposition dumps, just pure gameplay with straightforward , though sometimes ridiculous storylines. My favorite was I think Reds scenario
  5. Seriously couldn’t believe it when I first heard about it. I wish the 2nd one was getting remastered also. I think 1 is the best but 2 I found easier to actually understand and play? I’m just glad Square still cares about this series enough
  6. Development hell. I’m not expecting it to ever get made
  7. Couldn’t he have least waited till after Christmas break and in January if then at all? Many teachers are voicing outrage and state how ridiculous it is they couldn’t have thanksgiving with their family but the city says they’re perfectly OK to be around 100s of kids for hours daily. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8998623/Bill-Blasio-announces-NYC-public-schools-begin-REOPEN-December-7.html New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Sunday that public schools are set to reopen for in-person learning starting December 7 The reopening will come in phases sta
  8. I knew I wasn’t the only one who noticed the irony
  9. Same. But tbh demons souls is going to last me a long time then there’s Cyberpunk coming out in a week
  10. Besides the free pack in Astro Bot and the PS+ free game of Bugsnax, I have Demons Souls Miles Morales DMC5: SE thourghly enjoyed all of them. I’ve finished miles and Dmc, now working on Demons Souls. Bluepoint tower of latria looks fucking amazing brehs
  11. Yeah I played the demo last night and it was fun. I normally don’t like the Dunasty Warriors but the ones based on existing franchises are entertaining once in a blue moon. I was impressed how faithful it is to BOTW. Didn’t really feel like a cheap cash in like I thought but fuck, going from PS5 to Hyrule Warriors took time to adjust. Dat resolution and frame rate
  12. I only ever played the first one. It’s really great especially if you’ve played DQs and recognize the music and nods to each game. I even enjoyed it more than XI which I couldn’t finish
  13. But really if you do, get well soon. I have 2 aunts and 1 uncle (they’re 50-65) who’ve got it, and it didn’t sound pretty. My uncle says that he still feels shortness of breath and his bones ache, weeks after he thought he was over it.
  14. I’ve felt for awhile that you post here while drunk or high on molly or tranny dick or something.
  15. Maybe your experience is different but that really sounds just like Yakuza to me with those ridiculous ending difficulty spikes. Every Yakuza I’ve ever played has bosses in the 2nd half where I die dozens of times until I squeeze by, and you can’t even grind in those since you’re locked on the boss Not a fan of the SMT style main character dies = everyone dies though. That’s always been BS artificial difficulty increaser
  16. Damn Miles Morales is so short. I really wish it was at least 5 hours longer. I was even enjoying it more than Demons Souls since while fantastic, a slight part of the enjoyment is gone since I already know everything and how to beat every level and boss. Amazing game though. It really does feel like more Spider-man which in itself was VERY good but Miles has many new abilities that makes the experience feel fresh and new with a whole new story and cast. I really don’t think Insomniac should work on anything but Spider Man for the foreseeable future as long as they’re dropping bang
  17. While most certainly true, this really grinds my gears that this is the way it is involving Democrat vs Republican. If Biden does even a tiny fraction of the awful shit Trump did he’ll be crucified not just by republicans but by his own party, that’s the way it should be across the board but republicans are a party of cultists. Were talking about a tan suit vs 250000 dead Putting mustard on a sandwich vs ignoring Russian ordered terrorist hits on American troops Fuck the 73 mil who voted for this shit stain
  18. Good luck lads. Literally just got off Gods Souls and Miles Morales.
  19. And Pig Dick talks for 1 min yesterday about good da STALK MARRKIT is. The past month alone makes 9/11 look like an ant bit in comparison. https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/25/health/us-coronavirus-wednesday/index.html
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