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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. God, that was seriously one of the lowest points of this administration in 4 years filled with them. I just wish it would have went on a bit longer till after the 2 weeks and the “biblical” evidence was revealed. Not even Fucker Carlson or rush Limbaugh could put up with this post-election shit show anymore
  2. That the one with all those spinning wheels with spikes? That place did own indeed
  3. Sidney Powell must have been the tipping point that made the Trump administration think to themselves “WTF are we even doing anymore?” RELEASE THE KRAKEN
  4. According to Jim Ryan. He says they’re entire shipments are all gone, no warehouses with pallets ready to ship, and they’re having trouble producing more since many factories can’t even produce many, if any because of the pandemic. Makes sense since people who preordered in places are having their pre orders canceled or given a revised placeholder date of dec 31st. Thank fuck I have mine already but FUCK scalpers https://tass.com/economy/1225233
  5. Great art design as well. Here the ingame graphics look like low budget mana level trash
  6. Ugh. I really hate myself right now for being interested in this and know I’ll watch it.
  7. He gets respect for creating Twisted Metal and God of War, but he’s really not one to talk and should honestly STFU
  8. No. Just December. So cyberpunk could be next year, demons souls no.
  9. Lmao are their even amd fanboys on this forum? When my brother told me he couldn’t find a 3080 after trying so much I told him why not get the new amd cards announced, me knowing very little of current Pc tech. Dude literally spit out his water laughing at me.
  10. Probably the best game to judge since I played a crapload of the original. So when I started up SE and noticed the new visuals I was blown away since I got first hand experience now with and without, and I played it on PS4 and pc before playing SE on ps5. It’s just incredible
  11. I’m always just confused what people see in this series and how it’s breaking records every time. I played 1,2 and hated them. Then played black flag and hated that too. I thought ubi did a great job improving series like far cry with 5 and watch dogs with 2, but assassins creed, it’s like every single game just honestly sucks.
  12. It really is. This was put into perspective when there was several of Fox News anchors in 2016 saying democrats are saying fraud, yet Hilary conceded the day after the election, and Obama personally invited Trump and Melania to the White House the day after that. Here we are 2 weeks later and they’ve turned this election into a complete embarrassing shit show on a global scale with lies of voter fraud where the few cases end up being republican. Party of projection indeed.
  13. I did get DMC5: SE for PS5 even though i've played through the original. It looks absolutely insane. Ray Traycing is a complete game changer. I'm def a believer now
  14. I believe it. were up to 7 now and i've played every single yakuza except 2 and 5, and each time i feel like im being suckered into buying a new one, but each time i play it i'm pleasently surprised and satisfied. This looks like the biggest departure yet and i have no doubts the game owns. If i didn't just get a PS5 i'd be all over this right now. Even now i'm debating buying it right now
  15. I don't understand, what does it play? more android crud?
  16. So which was officially the last "good" halo. 3, reach or 4? I'm lost with this series
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